Time for Another Contest!

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Still trying to kick-start our 2019 blogging year, I think I’d better announce another comment contest. So as of now, let the game begin!

We have currently 38,372 comments and 40,000 seems like kind of a magic number; so… whoever posts Comment No. 40,000 will win an autographed copy of my newest Bell Mountain book, The Temptation. It should be published by then–how much time can it take to rack up 1,628 more comments? Well, we’re going to find out.

Some Bits and Pieces of 2018

Last year we set a record with 98,096 views. The top view-getter was “BBC’s Old Narnia Series Was Better Than the Movies,” with 866 views. That post was already several years old. A rerun from 2013, revisiting the Cardiff Giant, topped the posts actually made in 2018, with 217 views. Of the new posts, “The Future of Christian Education,” by Andrea Schwartz, led with 192.

I wonder if anyone is really interested in these stats.

I wonder if I need to post more Narnia stuff.

Suggestions, anyone?

8 comments on “Time for Another Contest!

  1. Off we go again. I just wish that whoever sends messages to me would be
    able to keep them in the right category. I find your postings in all three
    places, and I usually just delete all in the promotion slot, and I think I may
    miss some of yours. grrrrr

  2. Yes, I did, and probably sheer luck. I will do my best to keep up and watch where your posts are going.

  3. I’m actually interested with others’ blog stats, since I’m also interested in my own blog’s stats. But then again I’m interested in stats in general!

  4. Eye-catching headlines are a way to increase viewership, But please don’t be like the fake news sites who put up an enticing headline and when you go to the article it isn’t what they said, or they bury what you are looking for in paragraph 10.

    1. That really irks me when they do it on the Drudge report.
      Maybe I could try something like, “Eat All the Cake You Want and Still Lose Weight!” And then write about something else entirely.

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