Sports-Minded Kittens

Marlene had one of these for us earlier today, in the comments section–kitten video from “Funny Cats and Nice Fish.” They make a lot of great kitten videos, including the one you are about to see–or have just seen, because you watched the video before reading the text. Maybe you don’t read the text at all. Shoot, I could have written anything down here, and some of you would never know it.

3 comments on “Sports-Minded Kittens

  1. I read it.

    Kittens live in a special reality, all their own. They defy immutable laws of physics without apparent effort. They are constantly at their peak energy, unless they are sleeping. They are another proof of God. The fact that any survive kitten-hood is a miracle in and of itself. 🙂

  2. I think I saw this one before, but it is definitely worth a second look. These are some of the cutest ever.

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