Memory Lane: Congressman “Cold Cash” Jefferson

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Hey! Remember this guy? Congressman William “Cold Cash” Jefferson, Democrat, Louisiana. They called him “cold cash” because federal agents found $90,000 in marked bills in his freezer (

The investigation started in 2005 and they caught him with the cash in 2006–whereupon he was promptly re-elected to Congress. In 2009 he was sentenced to prison for bribery and money laundering. And in 2017 they let him out because the Supreme Court “raised the prosecutorial bar” in cases involving official corruption–a very bad idea, in retrospect.

How much money do you have squirreled away in your freezer?

No one comes home from Capitol Hill poor.


5 comments on “Memory Lane: Congressman “Cold Cash” Jefferson

  1. Things like this are the reason so many people are so disgusted with our politics. We know we are being taken for suckers, and it is getting really old.

  2. The adage comes to mind: “Americans get the government they deserve.” Why should an immoral people expect their representatives in government to be moral? Dave Ramsey teaches it is a good idea to keep a couple of thousand dollars in cash in your house for emergencies (for instance, an EMP is set off over the United States).

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