Now You’ve Heard Everything

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They couldn’t have made this knitter grovel!

You’d think you’d be safe from the “biggit-biggit!” crowd, blogging about knitting. What could be a more peaceful, cozy pastime than knitting?


A knitting blogger made the mistake of writing about how excited she was over an upcoming trip to India–and that has mutated into “The knitting community is reckoning with racism” ( No, this is not a satire.

Leftid trolls admonished her to “think about how your words feed into the colonial/imperialist mindset toward India and other non-Western countries,” blah-blah. ‘Cause everything is racist. The poor blogger likened her excitement over her trip to “being offered a seat on a flight to Mars.” Big mistake. Surely she couldn’t have meant that a trip to Mars would be tremendously exciting. She could only have meant to compare India to another planet. Biggit-biggit.

So she groveled. “It took women of color pointing this out for me…” They kick you in the face and then you lick their boots. Somehow the words “of color” have come to denote towering virtue and infallible wisdom. That deserves a raspberry.

So now you’re not allowed to get excited about visiting a foreign country, you’re not allowed to think of it as exotic or colorful or really very different from what you’re used to–no fun allowed! Not ever! You must not enjoy life!

Someday they’ll want to put you in jail for doing that.


10 comments on “Now You’ve Heard Everything

  1. None of this will end until (especially white) people no longer GIVE A DAMN about what these idiots have to say. I get SO angry when they quote these “celebrities” and what they “think” (if you can call it that!) or what they call people like me. Y’know what? I DON’T CARE what they feel or think or say. I only care if they try to hurt or stop me from doing what I want to do. In the past, at that point in my comment, I would put in parenthesis: (as long as it’s legal). But I can’t do that anymore because things that have always BEEN legal are being outlawed and things that always WERE criminal are being legalized.

    1. The thing that plays hob with my blood pressure is the way everybody grovels to these vermin. Why doesn’t anyone stand up to them? I really don’t understand that!

    2. For professionals, they fear being blacklisted. More conservatives were blacklisted in Hollywood than commies. For others, since they never hear folks from THEIR side, they are afraid to be disliked. As far as I’m concerned, you are as well known by your enemies as your friends.

  2. I left them a comment on that site. I’m so sick of this racism junk. When I’m with other knitters, I don’t look at skin color; I look to see what is it that I can learn or how I can be of help.

    1. I had a feeling you might do that. Oh, well. It’s just as bad in chess. You can’t go anywhere without being confronted by frothing-at-the-mouth idiots.

  3. Colonialism has gotten a bad rap. That’s not to say there were not abuses, but not all colonialists were the same. Those under British rule generally fared better than others. Colonialism brought civilization, infrastructure, western medicine, and education to the uncivilized underdeveloped parts of the word. It has left many positive imprints. In India, for example, they still use the British legal system. Colonialism also ended barbaric practices like widow burning in India, feet binding in China, and human sacrifices and canabalism in the Americas.

    And contrary to popular belief, colonialism was far less profitable than most think. Supporting a colony was an expensive endeavor. This is one of the reasons they raised the taxes on the American colonies, which led to the American Revolution. The Spanish brought back tons of gold from the Americas, yet Spain ended up going bankrupt numerous.

  4. I say just ignore their ignorance and bigotry. To let them get to you is to let them win. I’m with Lee, turn the tables on them. The Bible says we are to be good soldiers. Fight by accusing them of the same thing they are accusing you of, and then watch them fold because we have the truth and they have the lie.

  5. I used to be a member of the site, Ravelry, which is for knitters and crocheters (I don’t knit, but I do crochet). It was great at first, but over time it quickly became clear that there were political ideologies within the administrators that were spilling over to the forums. Leftist comments were accepted, but never anything even remotely conservative. It got so bad, I eventually stopped visiting the site. When they went full-on anti-Trump and anti-police, I deleted my account.

    Years ago, I still had people from a national homeschool support egroup among my FB friends list; everyone sort of migrated to FB, after egroups phased out. There were a lot of knitters among them. As things led up to Trump getting elected, many of them saw themselves as heroes, knitting pink pussy hats and going to demonstrations against Trump (yes, we had those here in Canada, too!). They likened themselves to knitters in WWII, who would knit coded messages into their patterns. They’ve almost all unfriended me over the years!

    When still living in the city, I was part of a craft group of knitters, crocheters and cross stitchers. Every week, we would meet in different coffee shops around the city to work on projects and chat. It was a fantastic group, at first. However, over time, conversations became more ideological, and I quickly realized I was the only conservative in the group, and my views were not at all welcome. I soon stopped going to the weekly gatherings. We also had a group on FB and some members were on my friends list, too. When they saw what I was sharing and what my views were, they all unfriended me.

    Sadly, the crafting community is not immune to left wing ideological extremism. I’m not at all surprised that this woman got attacked the way she did by other knitters.

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