Short on Sleep–and Late

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Stupid Daylight Saving Time! Now I’m an hour late for everything I do. And a lot of other people are an hour short of sleep, which they can ill afford.

Why are we still doing this? DST was invented in 1895 and really caught on during World War I, a hundred years ago. Since then everything has changed except for government’s urge to meddle with your life.

They say it’s supposed to save electricity. Well, then, why don’t they just leave it in force for all 12 months of the year, so we can get used to it? But of course if they ever saw us get too comfortable, they’d think of something else. Maybe change the days of the week.

Meanwhile, my body tells me it’s only 10 a.m. but the clock says 11 and I’m late, and the blog’s viewership is way down, and there’s just no way to catch up.

4 comments on “Short on Sleep–and Late

  1. I guess that the initial, idea was to essentially move the hours of businesses, who work according to the clock, one hour earlier while the farmers, who work according to the sun remained on the same schedule. It’s not an idea entirely devoid of merit, but it has its limitations when it comes to implementation.

    Actually, the change is the only reason it works at all. If we all reindexed and stayed on DST forever, businesses would simply change their hours and the effect would be lost. A few years ago, it was decided by the lords that they would gift us a savings in energy by extending DST, so now it has become the rule, not the exception.

    Actually, I don’t care at all, except for the fact that Arizona does not implement DST, so Spring, Summer and into Autumn, we are an hour behind everyone else. If I need to contact the east coast, I need to make my call by 1 PM or it will be too late to do any business. I don’t care whether DST is observed or not, but it needs to be consistent everywhere or not done at all.

    1. It could be worse. All of China is on Peking time. That doesn’t play well in Sinkiang.

      Yes, I know those names are obsolete and old-fashioned. That’s why I like them.

  2. What irks me most (aside from spending a few weeks a year in jet lag) is that we still use the term “Standard Time” for something that isn’t standard at all — only four months out of twelve.

    A small gripe, maybe, or maybe a growing irritation at the pervasive misuse of words to hide reality.

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