I Has lernt A lot!!!

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I amb so hapy i chainged my Majer to Nothing Studdies! I been lerning A hole Lot “of” Interllectural Things hear at Collidge!! Hear “are” just a “few” “of” themb!!!

Ratoinal Thauhght it is Racist “and” yiu shuddnt do it No moar!!

“The” best weay to Start yore brabaqiue is “to” pore Gender Fluid on it! Ownly yiu shuddnt nevver eat No Meat yiu shuld ownly gryll Okrah or Collie Flower!!

Super Heeroes thay “are” reel!!

Donold Trumpt he is a Knotsy and he “stoled” “the” Elleckcion fromb Hillery!! him and The Russhins!

Famblies thay are Paytree Arcle and Seckxist and aslo no goood “and” thare shuddnt be No Famblies and we kneed fore Cangriss to maik themb “Aginst” The law!!!!!

Thare used “to” be Whorld Guvvermint but greeedie Captulists thay recked it and Invented al themb Countrees,, thay done it All sneeky-like wen No Boddy thay was looking and it was probbly the christins’s Fawlt!!! Wen thare was the Whorld Guvvermint evry Thing it was Perficked!!!!!!

Povverty it is coaused by Not enuohgh Gayze in charge “of” stufff!!!

Wett wood it burns “the” best!!!

And yiu know “waht is” the Grate Thing abote all this??? I reely knowed it all The time!!!! It is wunderfull “to” lern Things yiu allreddy know,, it hellps yiu pass “the” coarse!!!

3 comments on “I Has lernt A lot!!!

  1. Tsk tsk, Joe hasn’t quite learned everything about “families” yet. He needs to remember that families are Good Things if they’re two mommies or two daddies or a whole bunch of genderfluids tangled together or any bunch of people who identify as family. The only bad “families” are those consisting of one man married to one woman, along with their children.

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