Baby Donkeys

All right, it’s not as exciting as Ben-Hur’s chariot race–but gee, baby donkeys are awful cute, aren’t they? Especially the one in the hammock. And I can never see videos of donkeys without thinking of this:

Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass (Zechariah 9:9)

Even so came Christ into Jerusalem.

6 comments on “Baby Donkeys

  1. Speaking of Ben Hur’s chariot races, one of the places on the trip to Israel that we visited was the Hippodrome where those races were held. It’s on the shore of the Mediteranean, whichm through the centuries has washed sand over the track. I picked up some shells as we walked through.
    It’s part of a huge development built by Herod. Caesar appoiinted Herod to be in charge of the Palestine/Jewish area. He was very unpopular, so he decided to build huge things to make the people like him. He replaced the small Jewish temple with an enormous one, with a wall around it. Three levels of huge stone blocks remain at the bottom of the Wailing (or Western) Wall, that Herod built. We tucked prayers in the cracks there.
    He also built an enormous stadium where they had sword fights, etc. plus the stadium at the Hippodrome. He named it Caesaria Philipi, after Caesar and one of his two sons.
    I’m going from memory here, but I think I have most of it right. It’s all amazing.
    I took about 1000 photos and still need to sort and label them.

  2. They are absolutely precious.

    Actually, it’s hard to think of any of God’s creatures that are not pretty irresistable as babies. Insects, maybe.

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