‘Reparations’–Not Me, Pal

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They want to punish you for what you didn’t do.

I’ve been holding off writing about “reparations,” because frankly I don’t need a lot of Far Left Crazy morons calling me a racist. But enough is enough already.

Georgetown Looniversity students have voted for a “manadatory reparations fee” to be paid by undergraduates to the “descendants of 272 slaves that Georgetown sold in 1838” (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=12094). Lemme see… that’d be 181 years ago.

“Reparations” doctrine states that all “white people” are guilty for slavery in America, even 181 years ago, even people whose ancestors weren’t here when slavery was formally and forever ended in 1865. You’re all guilty and you’ve all got to pay!

One–count ’em: one–of my ancestors got off the boat just in time to be sucked into the Union army and shot in the head at Chancellorsville.

I refuse to be punished for slavery.

Besides which, “reparations” is a flagrant violation of the Constitution.

P.S.–Every single one of the 20 Democrat candidates for president has publicly stated his or her support for making you pay for what other people did over 150 years ago.

Vote for a Democrat at your peril.

And now I just can’t take any more news. Basta, basta for today!

8 comments on “‘Reparations’–Not Me, Pal

  1. Slavery in the US was a shameful chapter in our history, but it certainly was not invented here. By 1800, Massachusetts had outlawed slavery and many northern states followed suit. Slavery was confined to the South and as America grew westward, there was a struggle, Southern (political) forces wanting the new states to be slave states, thus strengthening the forces which sought to perpetuate slavery against the Northern (political) forces that sought to keep slavery from spreading. The forces against slavery were willing to pay with their lives to keep this from happening.

    When Lincoln was inaugurated, the South attacked Fort Sumter and the war began. The number of deaths from combat and from disease was staggering. Many young men lost their lives fighting to prevent the spread of slavery. Many more were wounded, and in far too many cases, because of the medical limitations of the time, wounds frequently meant a lifetime of disability. The “mini ball” was a brutal ammunition which took the limbs of many soldiers.

    To the best of my knowledge, no one in my father’s lineage was on this side of the pond at the time. My mother’s family, to the best of my knowledge were solidly from the north, one branch coming from Massachusetts, by way of the Mayflower, another being more recently from the British Isles. I can’t find any evidence that any of my ancestors were slave holders.

    My fervent belief is that the best thing we can offer to anyone is opportunity. Complex regulations that inhibit individual ownership of small business (self employment) and regulations which force larger businesses to impose harsh restrictions upon their employees reduce all of us from our greatest potential.

    I wish, for all people, opportunity and freedom. We can’t undo the past, but opportunity and freedom will grant all of mankind the best future possible in this fallen world.

    1. If I were to demand reparations from Italy for what the Romans did to my ancestors on both sides of the Rhine, no one would listen.

      To punish people for things they didn’t do is simply wrong and evil.

  2. We have our version in Canada, regarding the Residential School system. Granted, the last residential school closed in 1986. However, as awful as some of them were, a lot of settlers sent their own kids to the same schools, because there were no other schools. Not all of them were bad. I recall one First Nations man who spoke out that he’s glad he went to one; he wasn’t treated particularly poorly (a lot of “normal” things done to children back then are now considered abusive, so that has to be taken into account), and they also provided health and dental care to all the students. He figured being in the residential school kept him alive, just for that.

    As you can imagine, he got vilified for daring to tell the truth of his own experience. His experience did not negate the experiences of others, but apparently theirs could negate his.

  3. Americans died to free the slaves brought here by black African leaders and owned by democrats. White blood is enough!!

  4. You got it, marlene. It all began with blacks selling their own, not with whites. Not saying slavery is ever excusable, but I wish they would get
    it straight who the real perpetrators were.

    1. And it was the Muslims who were the slave traders, and they still deal in the slave trade to this day – but don’t tell the MSM about this, they may go apoplectic.

  5. The past cannot be changed. We must deal with the present and with the future. Only 1% of Americans owned slaves. Importing slaves was outlawed in the United states in the early 1800’s. Slavery as a bread winner was actually on its outs until the invention of the cotton gin – it was believed it would just fade away. And after slavery was abolished in the South, that is when the economy of the South really took off. As Daniel Patrick Moynihan used to say, “You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”

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