Twitter Bans ‘Misgendering’

Image result for images of monarch butterfly

This stuff bums me out, and I can’t bring myself to illustrate it. Here’s a nice monarch butterfly instead.

I just found out you can get permanently kicked out of Twitter if they find you guilty of “misgendering” or “deadnaming.” Holy cow, I don’t even know what deadnaming is!

OK, I looked it up. “Deadnaming” is calling someone by his or her real name instead of by whatever stupid handle he or she has chosen. For instance… Bruce Jenner, Bruce Jenner, Bruce Jenner! Not “Caitlyn.” There, I’ve done it three times. I did it on purpose. Because it’s the truth.

“Misgendering” is the high crime of referring to some mentally ill person by his or her actual biological sex instead of by whatever sex or gender he or she claims to be. It is an offense to speak the truth.

It humiliates us to be forced to speak inane lies that we know are lies. I’d say the schmendricks at Twitter ought to be heartily ashamed of themselves, but shame is an emotion which leftids are not capable of feeling. Ever.

10 comments on “Twitter Bans ‘Misgendering’

    1. I’d very much like to know how many people really believe this bilge, and how many people go along with it because they’re afraid.

  1. I don’t even have a Twitter account, but I suppose the same will soon be true of all the other social media platforms, if it isn’t already.

  2. It might be a profitable scam to claim to be genderfluid, i.e., changing genders from day to day or moment to moment, and then sue people who guess wrong about which gender pronoun they should use at a given moment. Call it the Rumpelstiltskin Maneuver. 🙂

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