‘Deplorable People Have Too Many Babies'(2016)

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The great thing for liberalism is that its followers don’t need to procreate. They just use the schools and colleges to take over normal people’s children.

And then they complain that normal people have too many children.

Deplorable People Have Too Many Babies!

This is a dogma of the Climate Cult. The good news is that the whole Climbit change business is a lie; and even if it weren’t, how would paying higher taxes and giving vast new powers to the government control and altar natural processes on a planetary scale?

(Yeahbut, yeahbut, yeahbut–! Greenland’s gonna go ice-free by the year 3000! Great scott, what’ll I wear???)

If only deplorable people would give up all their modern “toys” and reserve those amenities to politicians and intellectuals!

This Independence Day, let’s declare our independence from the Far Left Crazy–and send them packing in the next election!

3 comments on “‘Deplorable People Have Too Many Babies'(2016)

  1. Amen. I wish we could send them packing even earlier than that. Before they create any more chaos.

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