Democrat Weirdo of the Week

Image result for images of frederica wilson with silly hat

We’re not allowed to make fun of… this?

I am about to do something for which Rep. Frederica “Goofy Hat” Wilson (D-FL) says I ought to be prosecuted and packed off to jail (

I’m going to make fun of members of Congress. Online. Here’s lookin’ at ya, Freddy!

There’s always so much competition, to be the Democrat weirdo of the week. You’ve always got to beat out Alexandria Crazy-O Cortez, not to mention a couple hundred other yinks. I wish I could remember who called “Beto” O’Rourke a Furry on a skateboard. And then there’s Congressman Einstein Johnson from Georgia, who says Guam will capsize if we put any more Marines on it.

Could we possibly do any worse if we chose our representatives by a lottery instead of an election? It’s embarrassing to be governed by creatures with no more sense than God gave a birdbath!

Hey, Dems! This is America, not North Korea. We have a God-given right to say what we think of you–and it ain’t good. But you go right ahead: propose a bill to criminalize making fun of Congress. Go right ahead and try it; we can wait. I dare you to do it. I triple-dog dare you.

Do you think it’s easy, satirizing dopes like you? You provide your own satire every time you flap your jaw!

Well, that’s the really hateful thing about communism: you get murdered by idiots.

5 comments on “Democrat Weirdo of the Week

  1. You triple-dog dare them? You have gone off the edge with that one 🙂 It is amazing how she & AOC can tell bold lies about the border guards and how illegals are treated and no one in the Democrat Party says anything about it.

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