By Request, ‘All People That on Earth Do Dwell’

Valerie asked for this, knowing the first line but not so sure about the title. I knew I should know it, and found it on Youtube soon enough–All People That on Earth Do Dwell, sung by the Kings College Choir at Cambridge.

This hymn is also known as “Old Hundredth,” because it paraphrases Psalm 100. It’s the hymn of thanksgiving sung by the congregation when the boys (Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, and Joe Harper) who’d been presumed dead turn out to be alive.

In our church we sang it every week as “Doxology”:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,/ Praise Him all creatures here below/

Praise Him above the heavenly host:/

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

2 comments on “By Request, ‘All People That on Earth Do Dwell’

  1. I know the “Doxology,” but it’s the first time for me to hear this one! It is such a beautiful hymn!

  2. Yes, I am familiar with the Doxology, too, but I had never heard this one before. Nice.

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