It Depends on How You Look at It (if you’re a dog)

I have actually tried this–tilting your head to one side or another to try to understand something better. I can’t say it’s done much for me; it might work better if I had a squeaky toy. A lot of lizards and a few cats do this, too, so there must be something to it. Watch the video closely to pick up helpful pointers.

4 comments on “It Depends on How You Look at It (if you’re a dog)

  1. I’ve read that they do that to get a better fix on the source of a sound, but what do I know? I don’t have four legs and my tail is embarrassingly short. 🙂

    1. I have heard there is a pill you can take that will straighten our your coccyx and ineluctably lengthen it. But that’s just for the nonce.

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