‘Climbing Jacob’s Ladder’

Jacob’s ladder, in his dream, united heaven and earth.

We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder, is here arranged and performed by Bernice Johnson Reagon.

8 comments on “‘Climbing Jacob’s Ladder’

    1. Okay, I’ll post it sometime this morning.

      BTW, Joshua, Heidi wants to cede her trivia question prize to you, so please send me your mailing address and tell me what book you’d like. It’s okay to hold out of “His Mercy Endureth Forever,” if you don’t mind waiting for it to be published.

    2. I am thankful to Heidi for her kindness towards me, but since I already received a book from you thanks to Elijah and thinking about the shipping cost, I would like to give the prize to the next runner-up.

    3. I am almost finished with the translation work. The work has proved to be harder than I imagined, and it would not have been possible without the help of the Holy Spirit and the support of my family. But I don’t know what I should do when the project is done. I would like to have the Japanese version published soon, Lord willing!

  1. I had never heard this song before. Of course, we know the Biblical reference about Jacob’s ladder.

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