‘My Answer to a Critic’ (2013)

Image result for images of bell mountain by lee duigon

Writers are naturally a little thin-skinned about their work. Your book isn’t going to amount to anything if you don’t pour your heart into it.

But to criticize my books for passing on secret Calvinist messages–that’s a bit too much.

My Answer to a Critic

“I’m not going to review this book because it contains an opinion other than mine!” All right, fair enough: there are lots of books I won’t review because their messages are obnoxious to me. But secret messages–no. That’s just silly.

The fantasy world of Bell Mountain is inhabited by people who never heard of Protestants or Catholics and have troubles of their own to think about.

5 comments on “‘My Answer to a Critic’ (2013)

  1. That’s one of the things I like about the series. It presents the issue of godly devotion, but it’s framed in a parallel reality which allows us to understand the issues without the baggage of our own reality.

  2. Speaking of your books, I just ordered The Silver Trumpet and will order the newest one shortly. I already have the first 9 books in the Bell Mountain Series.
    I am planning to send the complete set to my grandchildren in Pennsylvania (age 27 to 14) for Christmas. The second oldest, Matthew, is a fantasy fan, and also a devout Christian. His mother was delighted when she came for a visit this week. I showed her the set, and she read on the back of one of the books, “Lee Duigon is a Christian free-lance writer, journalist, editor and novelist. His love of fantasy literature and sound theology are the driving motives in creating his engaging fiction.”

    I am sure some of the others will catch his enthusiasm. Thank you, Lee!

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