The Hallmark Channel… ‘Nazis’?

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You have to wonder. Do Far Left Crazies actually believe the twaddle that they spout, or is it just their way of passing the time?

Some kook at leftid sees in the Hallmark Channel, and in its perpetual flow of schmaltz, “patriarchal and authoritarian values” which are (gasp!) “white, heteronormative, sexist, provincial” and surely add up to “white supremacy” and are, at best, “fascist propaganda” ( This writer wishes to be taken seriously as a clear-headed, fair-minded, penetrating critic. She is the author of a book whose otherwise profane title includes the phrase “Trump-Worshiping Monsters.” No bias here.

Earlier, Hallmark set a lot of decent people’s teeth on edge by including a clip of a lesbian “wedding” in one of its commercials. Faced with wide protests, they pulled the ad. That got the LGBT crowd in on the act. Cowardly Hallmark reinstated the ad and babbled about how they’re “committed to diversity and inclusion.” And now the Left has turned on them and called them Nazis anyway.

I guess if ol’ Heinrich Himmler could come back to life and go to work at Hallmark, he’d think he was back home at the Wolfsschanze. “Where is the Fuhrer? He must be here somewhere. Where’s Goering?” Get the boys together for a beer. ‘Cause everybody who’s not 100% Far Left Crazy demented… is a Nazi!

Shame on Hallmark for vainly trying to appease them. We should all know by now that that doesn’t work. You can kiss their commie boots from now to Doomsday, and the moment you stray a hair’s breadth from the party line, you’re a Hater, Biggit, White Supremacist, Homophobic Nazi.

If you can’t join ’em (and why in the world would you want to?)… beat ’em!

11 comments on “The Hallmark Channel… ‘Nazis’?

  1. What I find the most interesting is that the Left is starting to find itself in conflict with other factions of the Left. It’s subtle and infrequent, now, but I suspect it will become more of a problem as time goes on.

  2. Similar to Chick-Fil-A’s cave-in.


    I do know from past experience that boycotts do work on companies that go to far off track, like the ones that were promoting indecent or obscene programs.

  3. If Hallmark starts featuring same-sex marriages in their movies, they will lose a huge base of Christian females. – or is it more likely to way when. It is said they have used 15 actors in one basic plot with two subplots to make 682 movies 🙂

  4. Hey Lee, have you heard about Netflix’s blasphemous skit about Jesus being gay?
    Sometimes I wonder just how low they can go … and then they go lower.

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