This Time I’m Really Sick

Image result for images of man feeling sick

Not so long ago, if you had asked me about my general state of health, I would have said it’s pretty good. But I can’t say that today.

I’ve caught Patty’s cold, all right, and it’s a doozy. Got no sleep at all last night, couldn’t breath, and this morning I was more than just a bit queasy. No breakfast for me.

I think I’m going to have to hand this blog over to Byron the Quokka until I feel halfway human again.

13 comments on “This Time I’m Really Sick

  1. Take the day off; you deserve it. I’ve heard through the grapevine that Violet has an extra-good chapter coming up, but its so good that it’ll take an extra week to write. 🙂

  2. Smoothie Lee! Citus, spinach leaves or arugula, celery, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, watermelon, black grapes, things of the color red, yogurt, banana & ice. Speedy recovery

  3. Oh, no, not one of THOSE colds — although the queasiness suggests flu rather than a cold. Do you have a fever?

    Rest, stay warm, drink lots of fluids, complain all you want (it’s your turn, after all), and know that all of us are holding you in prayer.

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