Christian Rally–in Egypt

We have to thank Susan for this video from the Cave Church in Cairo, Egypt–a massive rally of Christians, ten thousand voices raised in songs of praise to Jesus Christ. “Call out the heroes, who walk with the cross before you.”

And in case you didn’t notice… most of these Egyptian Christians are young.

5 comments on “Christian Rally–in Egypt

  1. The gospel IS being “preached around the world.” For every sinner turned away, more are being saved. Could this new “peace” treaty be the last one? There are a lot of legos already in place.

  2. Well, we are seeing the disasters written in Matthew 24 being fulfilled daily. Wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, earthquakes, famines etc.

  3. What a pleasant looking, joyous group of people. They seem to truly be filled with the Spirit. Many people these days are downcast, but these folks, brothers and sisters in Christ, appear to have a source of true joy.

    I have heard that Christianity is growling rapidly in Iran, Afghanistan and even to some extent in Syria and Iraq. Praise God, for His works, because those are not easy places for Christians to live. China has a lot of growth too, in spite of being under ban.

    Kudos to both Marlene and Erlene. We are seeing significant events all around us. The events in the Middle East appear to be shaping towards what is foretold in Ezekiel 38. The dominoes are lined up and the Gog of Magog attack could come to pass quite quickly.

    The peace plan will almost certainly fail, because it will never be accepted as written. If that comes to pass, the succeeding events could be catastrophic.

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