‘How Dare You?’

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This is a stand-up-and-cheer piece by Andrea Schwartz, published by Chalcedon earlier this month.


Are you tired of pompous secular fat-heads rubbing our faces in it, and daring Christians to do anything about it? They’re the Philistines, amply equipped with Goliaths.

But our best move, Andrea says, is to “equip self-governing Christians to stand up to the despotic bullies of our day.” Not to spoil the article for you, but I just can’t resist quoting her here.

“You come against us with laws and oppressive mandates to silence and marginalize us, but we come against you in the name of the LORD almighty…”


8 comments on “‘How Dare You?’

  1. “…the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into our hands, and we’ll strike you down and cut off your head … All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the LORD saves; for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” It’s so easy to forget when the cries of the oppressed are drowned out by the sounds of sirens of our oppressors.

    1. I’m so-so-so sorry, again it seems. This is the part I like the best, that’s why. Unintended consequence. Forgive me for leaving you out of the equation. I should have known it wouldn’t work without you. If I had a tail you know where i’d put it…

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