“Watch ‘Roots’ or I’ll Kill You”

Image result for images of forced to watch tv show

Some weirdo in Iowa kidnapped a woman and threatened to kill her–and then spread her body parts “all over the highway”–unless she sat still and watched Roots… “so she could better understand her racism” (https://www.wave3.com/2020/02/17/woman-claims-man-kidnapped-her-forced-her-watch-roots-understand-her-racism/).

It could’ve been worse. It could’ve been The Hand Made’s Tail.

Well, gee, wasn’t that nice of him? But he was only doing what most of our colleges and looniversities do to students deemed in need of an attitude adjustment–minus that bit about killing and dismembering.

This takes Social Justice to a new height indeed.

Anyway, the kook was arrested and charged with various crimes. Talk about sadism: that miniseries is nine hours long! And it’s all racial scab-picking, start to finish.

Maybe the next Democrat president will force us all to watch it, on pain of death.

6 comments on ““Watch ‘Roots’ or I’ll Kill You”

  1. Well, there really is a kind of killing and dismembering of students who refuse to bow to the brainwashing, e.g., bullying, bad grades, and eventual expulsion or just plain failure to graduate.

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