Climbit Change Causes Monsters!

This was going to be an emergency bulletin from Joe Collidge, but he is currently prostrated with fear and unable to write coherently. Also some gym socks he ate for breakfast have disagreed with him.

It seems there’s a growing rumor of giant crabs depopulating islands and dragging whole coastal villages into the deep, all because of Climate Change and Greta Thunberg. Back in 1957, this was cleverly disguised as a science fiction movie. But in 2020, it’s a grim reality.

Or so we’re told. By college professors. So you know it’s got to be true.

Only world government, open borders, and real high taxes can stop the giant crabs.


One comment on “Climbit Change Causes Monsters!”

  1. I had a feeling the giant crabs would rebel against their programmed DNA and seek to dominate the world. Maybe the current Pope has had intimidation on this subject, and thus his call for worldwide open borders because of climate change.

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