Say What???

Image result for images of chelsea clinton

(Thanks to Susan for the nooze tip)

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of a president and a presidential candidate, is living proof that a hereditary presidency would be a terrible idea.

Now, she said this some years ago, and it blew up in her face; so naturally she has said it again, just recently.

Chelsea wishes her grandmother had had “access” to Planned Parenthood: “…[H]ow much I wish that my grandmother–my mom’s mom–had been able to go to a Planned Parenthood” (

Hold off on that honorary Mensa membership, folks.

Not surprisingly, the bizarre comment has again backfired on Chelsea. By the way, have you heard that liberals are, like, miles smarter than everybody else? Or so they tell us.

Chelsea has blamed “anti-choice people”–in regular English, “pro-life”–for twisting her meaning. Obviously she didn’t mean her momma, Hillary, shoulda been snuffed in the womb. No, no. Oh, wait a minute–about 95% of pregnant women who go to a Planned Parenthood facility get abortions. Maybe Chelsea’s grandma would’ve gone there to play dominoes. But the odds against anything but an abortion are mighty steep.

With any bad luck at all, we’re going to wind up with Chelsea in Congress one of these days.

Maybe if we repent real hard, things’ll turn out otherwise.

8 comments on “Say What???

  1. I just saw this article a few minutes ago. It makes one stop, scratch your head and say “WHAT”? Are you kidding? Then, you are saying you wish your mom had never existed, therefore, you would not exist? OK, have it your way.

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