Snow Kittens

I know–some of you have had it up to here with snow. But you’ll grant me that kittens are allowed to revel in it, and it’s certainly fun to watch them doing it.

Fun False Fact: Several cats in the town of Queens Difficulty, Pennsylvania, have learned how to make snow men.

6 comments on “Snow Kittens

  1. With all the unusual videos of various animals we have been seeing lately, I would almost not be surprised if cats did start building snowmen. Let’s keep our eyes open for that.

  2. I’ve seen cats that look upon snow as if it had been deposited by little green men from Neptune and seen other cats that seemed to know that snow was created by the Almighty, solely for their pleasure. The cats in the video seem to be having a lot of fun.

  3. All my cats have been indoor cats, but my two previous cats used to enjoy trying to “catch” snowflakes as they fell past the window, like a couple of the kittens in this video. However, Iggy doesn’t seem to be interested. He prefers watching people and traffic, which we now have lots of to watch, since we moved downtown. I prefer it, too. Iggy and I are both city creatures at heart.

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