My Newswithviews Column, May 7 (‘A Few Random Thoughts’)

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I tried something a little different with this week’s Newswithviews column–instead of one main topic, a lot of little ones. Thomas Sowell does it sometimes, and he’s famous.

A Few Random Thoughts

Not that I’m trying to get famous–really, it’s too late for that–but I would like for people to read my books. Meanwhile, those of us who can write, have a duty to write the truth. I realize that makes Democrats hate us, and disqualifies us to teach at any university: but who wants to keep company with leftids, anyway?

14 comments on “My Newswithviews Column, May 7 (‘A Few Random Thoughts’)

  1. I like that format — but toward the end, you couldn’t help yourself and stopped being random. I guess some people can’t keep their thoughts disjointed even when they try. (That’s a compliment, by the way!)

    1. We haven’t quite arrived at “The computer model sez you have to give up all your liberties,” but we’re getting there.

    2. Every civil liberty we fail to protect goes “out the window.” And every civil liberty that goes “out the window” does not come back. The skin of some fruit can be easily removed just by rubbing it the wrong way.

    3. I want to see who goes to jail, who gets socked with damages, and who gets forced out of office when the Chinese Communist Wuhan Death Virus panic is over.
      If it’s ever over. Dems want it to go on forever.

  2. Oh, and I want to add that I do like Thomas Sowell’s Random Thoughts columns. I suppose he, too, really has to work to keep the thoughts random for the column. It must take practice — like writing sonnets or roundels.

    1. I thought eccentric meant being too smart for some people to understand.

  3. Being considered eccentric is not necessarily a bad thing. I have been called some names and labeled as not only eccentric, but “white hot” on Christianity, too heavenly minded to be any earthly good, etc. and even cursed for my views. It’s OK. God’s view of me is the only one that concerns me.

    1. A certain big and famous Christian organization, after giving me a trial, decided I was much too “hard” for the mainstream. But I’m thankful to them for steering me toward Chalcedon.

  4. Wonderful. I know a lot of luke warm Christians are all around us. Sad.
    Glad you found the right format.

  5. Wonderful. I know a lot of luke warm Christians are all around us. Sad.
    Glad you found the right format.

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