Supreme Court Protects Electoral College

Death Penalty Cases: Say Goodbye to a Unanimous Supreme Court ...

For once they got it right.

Wow! You could’ve knocked me over with a feather. The Supreme Court has voted unanimously that rogue electors who flip their votes to some candidate other than the one their state voted for… can be punished and replaced (

You may remember that after the 2016 election there was a big ballyhoo over concerted attempts to get Republican electors not to vote for Donald Trump–and some Democrat electors not to vote for Hillary Clinton. Those efforts didn’t amount to much, in the end, but they did raise the specter of electoral chaos. I mean, once you can bribe or intimidate electors into changing their votes, the whole electoral process is compromised.

Even the libs on the court didn’t want that. Heck, even Chief Justice Roberts didn’t want it.

Democrats are always trying to get rid of the electoral college, which protects the rest of the country from being dictated to by New York and California. They’ve come up with scheme after scheme for abolishing it. Flipping electors is only one of several gambits that they’ve tried. Soon we’ll be seeing new ones.

As much as I cringe from doing it, I must salute the otherwise Far Left justices for whom this was very much a bridge too far. They made the right call and our country owes them thanks.

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