Yiu Has To Maik Peeple Say Rihght Things!!!

The Blanquist: On Grover Furr and the Moscow Trials

Yiu know,, i nevver Useta think Histry it was “good” “for” anny thing butt nhow I “know” Bettur!!! Heer at Collidge we has jist figgred Out “that” it aynt Enugh to Not Alouw Hat Speach–yiu has to maik peeple say The Rihght Things eevin iff “thay” doughnt Want To!!!!

Thay had tryals in Russha a fiew Yeers Agoe and maid Evvry boddy admitt “that” thay done all Bad Things evin thoehgh thay Didnt and gess watt?? Peeple didnt Dare “say” Bad Things no moar!!! And lyfe in Russha it was byootafull!!!!!

Wel we cood D”o” that heer coodnt we!?! Maik peeple has to say Good Things!! We gotted The Idear fromb Younavercitty of Illannnoy,, thay maid “alll” the Conserfatiff Bad Peeple say thay luv Blaque Lyves Mater and iff thay didnt Say “it” thay wood get Expellt!!!!!!!! Thay aslo maid themb Say Amairaca it is No Good and Racist—wel that reely ficksted themb!!!!!

So heer at our Collidge fromb nhow On “we” are goingto Maik evry boddy say All The Things we “say” “In” the Stoodint Soviet and iff thay woont say “themb” thenn thay whill has to be in Censativvaty Traning and then get Kickked Out “of” collidge fore Goo”d”!! And affter a wile thay “wil” Get Useto saying Alll “thoze” things and thay whil jist say themb “all The time” whith-Out evin thincking abuot it and at Collidge it wil Be jist as Nice as The Soviet Yunion!!!!

9 comments on “Yiu Has To Maik Peeple Say Rihght Things!!!

  1. You’ve captured the essence of the new “anti-racist” imperative. It was already implicit in the attempted forcing of Christian bakers, florists, photographers, etc., to participate in celebratory events for (ahem) perverse purposes, not to mention the “check your privilege” reeducation camps, I mean sensitivity training sessions. Now we get “It’s not enough to be non-racist. You must be anti-racist.”

    1. That slogan comes from the same people who used to say “Speech is violence.” And probably the same people who used to accuse men of predatory staring if they made eye contact with women, and of marginalizing women if they didn’t make eye contact with them.

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