All the News You Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Hear

TV Review: Kolchak: The Night Stalker (TV Series) | HNN

“It’s news, Mr. Vincenzo! News!”

LifeSite News has been “suspended” from YouTube for a week.

I say there’s a qualitative difference between some psycho yelling “Fire!” in  crowded theater and a credentialed medical scientist criticizing public policy vis-a-vis King COVID. But YouTube doesn’t think you should be allowed to hear what this critic has to say (

What are Dr. Roger Hodkinson’s credentials? He is medical director of Western Medical Assessments and a former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians (in Canada) Examination Committee. So, yes, his opinion is worth something; but YouTube says it’s “medical misinformation” and that by reporting the news–Dr. Hodkinson’s comments are news–LifeSite has violated YouTube’s Terms of Service.

Which is pure bunk, start to finish.

And what did this credentialed medical scientist say, that no one is allowed to mention on YouTube?

He called the COVID-19 panic “the greatest hoax ever” and decried the uselessness of face masks, except as virtue signals, and the rush by nooze media and politicians to scare people into submission.

Sounds pretty much on target to me!

LifeSite News has urged its readers to follow it on Rumble instead of the various social media that are part of left-wing Googles social media monopoly.

Leftids believe that, now that they’ve stolen America’s presidential election, they can do anything they want without being held accountable.

Wait’ll they find out they only thought they’d stolen it. Make sure plenty of paddy wagons are ready.

5 comments on “All the News You Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Hear

  1. The left has become so emboldened that I’m afraid we’re going to see more and more of this kind of silencing in the future.

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