Norbert: Almost Partied Out

This is how you have to pull yourself along when you’ve partied yourself out. You’ve heard of party poopers. Well, Norbert has been pooped by our party. But as you can see, he’s not quite ready to give up. He wants to be awake when we count the views.

2 comments on “Norbert: Almost Partied Out

  1. Norbert is not the only one. I came home from church, had lunch, immediately needed a nap, and after the nap, was brain-fogged, dizzy, weak, and the “wonderful” stuff. Wow, I am so sick of this.
    I did like the party, though, and tried to send a hymn suggestion but it didn’t go through. I think it was a Carroll Roberson song, can’t remember which one. I’ll try again later.

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