‘The Pregnant Man’ Returns

No, it’s not a 1950s horror movie. It’s 2022 abortion politics.

When someone not yet identified leaked an impending Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, the ruling that “legalized” abortion without any legislation, Democrats and the rest of the Far Left scream machine went off like dynamite.

And among the first casualties–or so it seemed, just days ago–was the fantastic figure of The Pregnant Man, aka “birthing person” (https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/05/12/democrats-have-jumped-back-on-the-men-can-get-pregnant-fantasy-train-n1597284). Suddenly abortion was all about “women’s health”–not “birthing person’s”–and “a woman’s right to choose.” Women this, women that, and not a pregnant man anywhere in sight.

Then Senate Democrats rushed to “codify” abortion by making a law to support it. They already had a bill guaranteeing nationwide “abortion rights,” but it failed last year because it was too full of Crazy. So they modified it, trying to make it sound like something not written by untreated mental patients, and a few days ago, put it up for a vote as the Women’s Health Protection Act”–

–Which, once you got past the title, made not one mention of women–unless you want to count the one about all restrictions on abortion “are rooted in misogyny.” Otherwise, pregnant women were replace by “all people with the capacity for pregnancy.”

Yup, he’s back. The Pregnant Man returns.

I think the Dems should dump the donkey and adopt the Pregnant Man as their party’s mascot.

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