‘Is the Bible Just Stories?’ (2015)

Currier and Ives : "Noah's Ark" (1800s) — Giclee Fine Art Print

Noah’s Ark, as interpreted by Currier & Ives

I like to run this post from time to time because you never know whom might be out there as a first-time viewer, and might derive some benefit from reading it.

And if you’re afraid you’re the only one who believes what it says in the Bible–well, don’t! Because you’re not. You have a lot of company.

Is the Bible Just Stories?

And I am happy to say that my Christian friend who didn’t seem to believe much of the Bible, seven years ago… doesn’t fit that description anymore.

Read the Word with an open mind and observe what happens in this fallen world. You’ll come around.

4 comments on “‘Is the Bible Just Stories?’ (2015)

  1. If we start picking apart the Bible, and believing only the parts that suit us, we are merely studying our opinions. If the Bible is the word of God, then we should take God at His word.

    1. Exactly. There are some things in scripture that can’t be explained in human terms, such as confusing the languages at Babel, but He is God, and we aren’t. To God, creating the entire physical Universe was no problem, so reprogramming the minds of people to divide them into language groups was a minuscule task.

      I think of it like this. When I enter a darkened room, and switch on the light, I know that electricity was created at a generating station, and transmitted to my home via the distribution grid. I know that the light is created by electricity passing through a device that converts electrical energy to visible light. OTOH, my cat would have no understanding of how I produced the light; it would seem like magic from the perspective of a cat. However, she also knows that I have the power to illuminate a room, and isn’t particularly surprised when I turn lights on, or off.

      Likewise, when God does something extraordinary, from a human perspective, it may seem like “magic” to our understanding, but from the perspective of the spirit realm, it may seem no more extraordinary than flipping a light-switch.

      Personally, I believe that the Flood was global. The presence of the same mega-sequences in the geology of several continents would seem to indicate that the land mass was overrun by huge tsunamis that washed thousands of feet of sediment over the surface of the earth. These mega-sequences are known, in great part, by the analysis of drilling cores, and the fact that these are distributed over several continents would indicate that the continents probably started out as one continent, which divided into the continents we know today, as a result of the Flood.

      The clue, is that Genesis tells us that the “fountains of the great deep” were opened up. This could refer to underground water, or possibly refer to volcanic activity. There is a 40,000 mile-long volcanic ridge that runs through the oceans where it appears that the sea floor we know today was formed. Much of the pre-flood world was probably recycled via subduction.

      There is a theory known as Catastrophic Plate Tectonics which was the result of cooperation among a number of credentialed scientists whom believe in the Bible. This theory explains the mechanism of the Flood, and the Ice Age, which would have lowered ocean levels to the extent that the South Pacific was very shallow and traveling from Asia to Australia was no big deal. As the Ice receded, and sea levels increased, Australia and New Zealand became isolated. This also explains how humans and animals were able to migrate to the Western Hemisphere, over a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska, and an ice free corridor caused by the shadow effect of the mountains, which would have allowed people and animals to migrate southward along the eastern side of the Rockies. (As a Denver boy, I take a bit of satisfaction from imagining ancient civilization of the Americas taking root near one of my favorite places. OTOH, those civilizations were probably pagan in nature, and no joy to live in.)

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