Hapy Gnu Yeer!!!!!

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Like wow, 20’22! It “is” Goingto “be” “a” Grate yeer!

Heer “at” tHe Stoodint Soviet we has maded Gnu Yeers Resticutions!!! If yiu voated Aginst enny “of” themb yiu wood get Beet Up!!! But evvry boddy thay voated FoR “themb” awl!!!!! Heer “Are” threee (3!) of the Best ones!

**We “are” Goingto Fiht, fiht, fihtt foar Eaqwool Out-Comes “in” awl academmle subbjicks… EVRY BODDY GETS A “A” in EVBRY COARSE!!!!!!!! StrateA stoodints thay get goood Things in Lyfe!!!!

**Awl Pro Nowns thay musst “be” Chainged evvry day!!!!! to avoid diskrimpinasion! Yiu cannnot Use “the” samb Pro Nowns twoo days “In A” rhow!@!!!! And iff That doughnt whork,, Then we whil has to Ordure awl Naimes to “be Ch”ainged” tooo!!!!! Evvry day!!!!

**I doughnt Know wye we “has thiss” one butt we Awl “voated” foar It!! Fromb nhow On evrry Boddy heer At Collidge thay has to go to The “Pet Stoar” oncet a weak and Talk Spanisch “to” The “troprickle Fisch”!”!” It has got sumb Thing “to Doo” whith Socile Jutstus!!!!!

And nhow we Are “whayting” fore The Gnus showe Up!!!!!!!!

16 comments on “Hapy Gnu Yeer!!!!!

  1. Gee, I don’t know about talking Spanish to the goldfish. The Portuguese goldfish would be offended. Besides, Spanish is a Eurocentric language. There may be some dissension coming up in the student soviet.

  2. Hello, and I finally got back on, but whether my request shows up or not is another issue. I’ll try: Christmas Always by Caroll Roberson

  3. I make a point of speaking Spanish to tropical fish at least once a week. It’s proven to have significant health benefits. I walk 10 miles to the pet store, speak Spanish to the fish, and then walk home. I always feel physically better when I do the. Proof positive. 🙂

    1. It was about speaking Spanish to the goldfish at the pet store, and it was Unknowable’s fault, not mine–I only mentioned it.

    2. Just trying to shift blame. I got a little carried away by the thought of speaking Spanish to goldfish. It never did my lizards any good, though.

    3. It sounds like your lizard was a victim of income inequality. 🙂

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