What It’s All About

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Another week of following the nooze, of watching Western civilization go black around the edges, as it dies–well, it’s not much fun, watching your world be slowly poisoned. Leftism is to the human race as Round-Up is to plants.

But what is most strongly impressed on my mind is that all of these leftist “movements,” from “transgender rights” to “open borders,” all of them, are all aimed at the same goal–

To create a weird mix of moral and social chaos held down by the brute force of an all-powerful central government.

The insight is not original with me. R.J. Rushdoony hit that bull’s-eye several decades ago. It took me all this time to understand what he was telling us.

Leftist utopias, as pioneered by Stalin and updated every year by his successors in the Western Left, all aim at a world government with everything–everything!–removed that might stand between the individual and the world state.

This is war. It’s a spiritual war, but none the less a war. “Progressives” make war against our way of life. They seek to destroy the family. You can’t have stable families, in any meaningful sense of the word, if everyone is screwing everyone else. They seek to destroy the Christian religion. You can’t have Christianity, in any meaningful sense of the word, if you revolt against God’s word: even against something so basic as “Male and female created He them.” They replace science with politics, reason with politics, education with politics, always with the same end in mind–total power for themselves, total slavery for us. They break down the borders of the nations to strip us of the power to protect ourselves: to create social and economic chaos by which they mean to benefit, to acquire more power over us.

It’s war. Leftism is satanic in its origin and inspiration, satanic in its goals. They take “Ye shall be as gods” literally and seriously. The leftids’ master and mentor, Satan, drives them on. They never rest. They never stop.

God has not yet commanded us to leave off praying for our country–so pray every day, and pray hard. Someday, He already has it marked on His calendar, He will crush His enemies, He will break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel, and set Christ’s throne upon the earth. Forever. He will cast out sin and death; and Satan and friends will be tossed into the lake of fire. Forever.

Give us courage, O God. Strengthen our faith. Show us what you want us to do, and give us the power to do it. Remind us that our weapons are spiritual: prayer, and truth, and love. Faith, and hope, and charity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Apologetics Sermon Illustration #49: There are Too Many Religions Which One is True and Counterfeit Currencies

You’re sure to have encountered this, er, objection many times. Our esteemed colleague SlimJim shows us how to answer it with common sense–which is in short supply, these days.  –LD

‘A Few Simple Truths’ (2015)

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Sometimes truth is amazingly simple.


To these we might add a few others:

*Government has no money of its own. It has only what it can take from the people in taxes. Backed up by the threat of force, of course.

*There really are only two sexes. Honest.

*If “higher education” really did make people smart, our country today would be the smartest nation in history. And we wouldn’t be doing so many colossally stupid things.

*Today’s settled science is tomorrow’s quaint and archaic poobah.

‘The Son of God Goes Forth to War’

This is from a psalm sing at Christ Church–The Son of God Goes Forth to War, with band, choir, and the whole congregation.

We are authorized and exhorted to make war on spiritual wickedness: but the weapons of our warfare are spiritual, not fleshly. Believe in God. Testify for Jesus Christ. Speak the truth and never, never let the enemy compel you to speak lies. Pray harder. Sing louder. Our Lord is coming, and not all the devices of this fallen world will hold Him back.

Beware! High-Level Cuteness

I think God put baby rabbits and a lot of other animals in the world to keep us from going insane. I can just feel my blood pressure going down as I watch this. Thank you, Lord. We wouldn’t have thought of it, but you did.

We Has got A Goolog!!

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Hear at Collidge we was going “to” make a Goolog for al them biggits and christins “and” Throw them al into It and we amlost done it too only than we Finded Out that them Goologs in Russha thay “were reely” nice plaices!!!

Somboddy i thinck he Is “a” con-servvative he sayed the Goologs “thay” was jist theese offle consintraction camps “in” Cybeeria but we quick figgered Out he ownly sayed “that” jist to try To make Commbunizzm loook bad!!! We lernt that fromb Trans stodents down thare in Brittin! thay sayed peeple thay got sended to Goologs becose that it Was “the” Cumpashenit thingg to do!!!!

Well!! Jist think how dum we wuld of fellt iff we sended Biggits to a Nice Plaice!! thay was probly jist Iching to be sended “thare”!! But hahaha the joake it is on themb!!!!!

We stil goingto has a Goolog but insted of sending biggits thare we will send our selfs!!! How abote that yiu dum biggits!??! We get the Goolog and yiu jist “has” To stay outsyde!! We whil be doing Play Doh “and” eatin Soy Cookys wile yiu has “to” whork!!

PS>.–i Lookeded up Cybeeria on a Map “butt” thare is no sutch plaice it was jist “An Other” lye them biggits tolled about Commbunizzm!

UN Takes Credit for ‘Changing the Weather’

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Changing the weather… the old-fashioned way

In addition to being venal, mendacious, and vain, our world’s ruling class also seems to be going downright loony.

From one Patricia Espinosa, head honcho of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, this astonishing remark:

“By raising our ambition of #climateaction, we are not just changing the weather, we are building a better future for us all” (https://www.wnd.com/2018/09/official-claims-u-n-regs-changing-the-weather/).

Great Caesar’s ghost.

So they’re changing the weather, are they? Impressive! It used to be you had to hire a witch to do that. But we can do better. We’ve got the dodos at the United Nations. And they’re changing the weather even as we speak.

This comes on the heels of our free and independent press, to wit The Washington Post, accusing President Donald Trump of being “complicit” in Hurricane Florence. They want to blame him for starting the hurricane in the first place, but they won’t credit him with tamping it back down to a Category 1.

If only we give these creatures fantastic new powers to control every aspect of our lives, and also hand over lots and lots more money to them, they’ll see to it that there’s no more bad weather. The Japanese government recently admonished its citizens “to go to sleep earlier” and not stay up watching TV ’cause it uses electricity. Do the people get a government bedtime story to help them into the Land of Nod?

God save us from fools who think they can save the world.

Transgender ‘Students’ Defend Gulags

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author of The Gulag Archipelago, is spinning in his grave.

As part of their feud with feminists, “transgender rights campaigners”–a euphemism for seriously disturbed college students–at Goldsmith Looniversity, London, have argued that the infamous Soviet gulags were really nice places for “education” and “rehabilitation” (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/09/11/soviet-labour-camps-compassionate-educational-institutions-say/). Not forced labor concentration camps in Siberia.

Feminists resented screwed-up males trying to hijack women’s privileges by claiming themselves to be women. Well, that got the trannies going, and one of them tweeted that  the objecting feminists ought to be sent to a gulag for “re-education.” And that got the feminists going.

In support of their recommendation to send those who disagree with them to the gulag–there aren’t any gulags, yet, in Britain: but give it time–the trannies, er, “defended” their preposterous comments. Like so:

“The ideas of TERFS–” I don’t know what a TERF is, and I prefer to leave it that way for as long as possible–“and anti-trans bigots literally kill and ought to be eradicated through re-education.” And “Sending a bigot to one [a gulag] is actually a compassionate non-violent course of action.”

No, there wasn’t any violence at the gulags! Just a lot of classroom time, partying, cross-country skiing in that bracing Siberian winter, and maybe some amateur theatrics. Sort of a summer camp for adults, plus unendurable cold. Oh, and the food was really good, too!

Go ahead, build a bunch of gulags and send your rivals there; and then, once they get into power, they can send you there. Plenty of relaxing gulag time for all.

It is probably unnecessary to comment further on the deranged wickedness that now constitutes a college education.

Mr. Nature: the Basking Shark

Anyone who didn’t know better could be forgiven for freaking out at the sight of a 30-foot shark–especially if you’re in a kayak or a rowboat. But in fact, there’s nothing to fear.

Jambo, everybody, Mr. Nature here, with some more of God’s stuff. The basking shark is the world’s second-largest fish, right behind the much rarer whale shark. Not long ago there was a major basking shark fishery, but that had to be reined in when the sharks started getting scarce.

These enormous sharks eat plankton and tiny crustaceans, not people. Sometimes a dead basking shark will wash up on the beach, and because of the unusual way in which their boneless carcasses decay, they wind up being taken for mysterious sea monsters.

I’m Mr. Nature, I know about basking sharks; but in all honesty, if I were out there in my rowboat and one of these babies came along, I think I’d probably freak out, too.

‘Those Who Can’t Do, and Don’t Know How, Govern’ (2014)

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Remember when President *Batteries Not Included declared it was impossible to bring manufacturing jobs back to America, and accused Donald Trump of spinning fantasies? And we have seen, with Mr. Trump in the White House, hundreds of thousands of jobs come back and unemployment rates go way down. So it wasn’t impossible, after all–

It was just impossible that any politician from our ruling class could ever make it happen. Because somehow, during the course of 200 years of history, we stumbled into this dreadful position of being governed by ignorant fools.


Do you really, truly believe any real-world problems can be solved by career politicians who have never stood in a checkout line, never had to get to work on time, never attempted to run a business, never had to spend within a strict budget because there was no more freakin’ money where that came from?

How did we ever wind up there?

And we will be marching straight back into Fort Ignorance, if we’re fool enough to elect any Democrats this November.