Surrender Monkeys

Opinion | The Coronavirus Bailout Stalled. And It's Mitch McConnell's  Fault. - The New York Times

Every day we get several dozen emails from Mitch McConnell and other grubs asking us to pour more of our own money into the Georgia U.S. Senate race.

This comes after McConnell and the rest of his gang have abandoned President Trump and endorsed China Joe Biden as his replacement, courtesy of a massively fraudulent election. Like, we can accept some election fraud, can’t we? Joe’s not so bad, even if he’s as crooked as a corkscrew and borderline gaga. How many times has McConnell had lunch with Biden over the years, and they both got up from the table laughing? At us, most likely.

We agree that if the Republicans can keep control of the Senate, much of what the Democrats have threatened to do to us becomes mostly idle chit-chat. Can’t raise taxes without the Senate. Can’t confirm judges without the Senate. So, yeah, we want the Senate saying “No!” to everything Biden might propose.

But you slimeballs shouldn’t have betrayed our president. We will hold you to account for that.

Our country needs to be rescued out of the hands of a corrupt, globalist ruling class. McConnell and Biden both belong to that class.

There are 75 million of us who voted to keep Donald Trump in the White House. That has to count for something. They can’t just laugh us off, can they?

There has to be a way for 75 million people to keep their country from being stolen out from under them.

‘In the Year 2030…’ (2016)

See the source image

This oldie got some mileage yesterday, so I’m re-running it today for those who missed it.

I wrote this as a satire. Now it sounds like predictions. God defend us.

In the Year 2030…

But there are at least 75 million of us who don’t want any part of this: who know the election was stolen by the bad guys–and we want our country back.

The 80 million Biden voters do not exist, and never did.

The crime must not stand. There has to be a way to overturn it.

Losing Heart

How's this for a team name? The Wichita Flying Monkeys | The Wichita Eagle

I’ve been hearing from people, privately, who are too distraught to comment here, in public.

Their burden is: we’re licked, our country is over, our republic is lost, they stole the election and now they’ll do anything and everything they please to turn America into a third-world basket case.

But we do have public comments to that effect, too.

So what’s the story? Is America really over? We are asked to believe that 80 million of us voted to put a corrupt, senile old monkey in the White House. Who believes that? We’re asked to believe that 80 million of us voted to endorse riots, flood the country with illegal aliens, raise taxes, arm Iran with nuclear weapons, stage a perpetual face mask jihad, and take our marching orders from the Chinese Communist Party. Who believes that?

And the persons to whom we would normally turn for succor, the institutions in which we have for so long put our trust, they stop their ears against us and blindfold themselves against the mountains-high collection of evidence proving that the election was a fraud. The Supreme Court doesn’t want to hear it. The three, uh, “justices” we fought for, they are deaf to us. They don’t want to overturn a fraudulent election because “then there’ll be riots.” The hand that rocks the riot rules the world.

What are we supposed to do? “Oh, well, that’s that, that’s how things are, freedom was nice while it lasted, poverty and intimidation, that’s the new normal, just grin and bear it…”

Is this the same nation that wouldn’t let King George have a stamp tax?

The Democrat Party who did this to us, who perverted our election, is an enemy blinded by hubris. At the moment what they have going for them is shock and awe: no crime like this has ever been committed against us before.

We have to shake off all that shock and awe. Imagine you’re giving a house party and some guest, without warning, suddenly shouts a curse at the top of his lungs and smashes your lamp to the floor. For some moments everybody’s going to stand there staring at him. But eventually the people will rally and either chuck him out of there or call the police to take him away.

So, no, we don’t just say “that’s how things are” and let the monkey be inaugurated. We need to voice our displeasure. We need to scare these people. We need to recapture the American spirit that Admiral Yamamoto feared after he launched the attack on Pearl Harbor, and said, “We have wakened a slumbering giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve.”

We want our republic back.

Shake off the cobwebs and get to work.

Lost! Missing! National Emergency!

Beware of ghosts haunting your organization | Troy Media

LOST: 80 million Biden voters

LAST SEEN seeping out of Dominion voting machines

Police, private detectives, bloodhound handlers, and psychics have mobilized in a nationwide effort to find any trace of some 80 million Americans who supposedly elected China Joe president.

So far… nothing.

“We were told there were over a million Biden votes cast in our county,” said Sheriff Diogenes Smith of Atlantis County, Pennsylvania, “which was a pretty neat trick, considering we have only a little under 300,000 registered voters. But now we can’t find but a dozen or two. They had a Biden rally yesterday in some guy’s driveway and only two people came. Where did they all go?”

Noted psychic Ernest Fapp has postulated that the 80 million Biden voters never, in fact, existed.

“Trust me,” he said, “if there had really been that many of them, they would’ve left some psychic residue in spiritual space. You know–like all the litter that gets left behind wherever you have lefties ‘demonstrating.’ ”

But another psychic disagrees. “Of course they’re real!” said Islas Malvinas. “But they are not of this earth! After the election they all went back to from where they came. That’s why you can’t find them.”

So far only twelve actual American citizens have admitted voting for Biden. “One more,” said Democrat activist Allie Screwtape, “and we’ll have a coven!”

So Who Was at the Biden Rally?

What if they had a Democrat rally in Atlanta and nobody came? Oh, wait a minute–they did have a Democrat rally in Atlanta and nobody came.

Crikey, they tell us this bozo, this monkey, got 80+ million votes–and no one comes to hear him speak? A flea circus would draw a bigger crowd than this. There are more signs than people. More “journalists” than people.

You’d think they could’ve hit Soros up for some money and manufactured a cheering crowd. Was it too much trouble, to do that? Or do they really, truly think “We’ve got this, we’ve already got it, we don’t have to do anything”? After all, they have voting machines that reliably give them however many votes they need to manufacture a consent. Public support has become irrelevant to them.

This is why we’re going to win: the enemy is both stupid and so puffed up with hubris that he can’t see straight. All we have to do is not give up. Keep gathering the evidence, speaking the truth, and by all means turn off the nooze media: they’re just the organ grinders’ monkeys. There’s too much evidence to sweep under the rug, with more coming in by the hour. This presidential election was perverted, corrupted, and stolen by the Democrats. Do not give up. Do not rest until it’s overturned.

Because if it’s not, we don’t have a republic anymore.

And that’s all the nooze I’m gonna do today, or Christmas Day–so enjoy it (if that’s the word for it).

Georgia Senate Committee Finds ‘Massive Election Fraud’

Voter Fraud

Are we starting to see a few hairline cracks in the wall of fraud that was our latest presidential election?

A special committee of the Georgia Senate has recommended decertifying the state’s electors because of “massive election fraud” supported by abundant evidence (

The committee report called the election “chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy.” The report also cites abundant “evidence of a coordinated effort to prevent a transparent process of observing the counting of ballots…”

And again we have Democrats whining that there wasn’t enough fraud–repeat, there wasn’t enough fraud–to affect the outcome of the election.

We must ask again, how much fraud are we supposed to tolerate? What is an acceptable level of election fraud? Must we recognize a proved fraudster as the winner of a presidential election? Just how corrupt does our country and our electoral process have to be before we cry out against it?

Pray the Lord our God, even at this late hour, to intervene and overturn this travesty of an election–the biggest and worst crime ever committed against the United States of America.

A word of comfort: the first few cracks in the dyke are always very small. But they won’t stay that way.

‘A Message from Sauron’ (2015)

See the source image

Now that they’ve learned how to steal elections, and will never again be voted out of office, Democrats no longer have to try to pass themselves off as human. But that mask has been slipping for years.

A Message from Sauron

It’s so nice for them. The Dominion voting machines spit out however many votes they need, and they stay in power forever. Plenty of time to Fundamentally Transform America into a real-world Mordor.

Fauci: You Can’t See Your Kids This Christmas

TikTok, to-go drinks and linguini: #FireFauci brings out Fauci fanatics -  POLITICO

Dr. Anthony Fauci–what’s he a doctor of, by the way? and when was the last time he actually treated a patient?–sez Americans mustn’t get their families together for Christmas this year because King Virus gonna getcha and you’re all gonna die… unless you obey the government.

He’s not gonna see his kids this Christmas, “and neither should you,” sez he. It’s “just one of those things you’re going to have to accept as we go through this unprecedented challenging time” (, blah-blah.

Question! What makes this time “unprecedented”? Why do we have to turn our lives and our business upside-down? We’ve never done this in response to any other disease or natural disaster. Never. So why are we doing it now?

Because “scientists” hand-raised by government have said so!

Anyhow, sez Fauci, the lockdowns etc. are “not going to last forever,” wink-wink, nudge-nudge, and what with new vaccines, next Christmas should be just hunky-dory! Unless they move the goalposts again. Do you really think they won’t do that?

COVID-19 has turned into an experiment in tyranny. How big can we grow the government, and how fast can we do it? Globalists say “Let’s find out!”

My Newswithviews Column, Dec. 17 (‘The Age of Manufactured Consent’)

See the source image

“Have we showed her the hairs on our legs yet, my precious? Gollum-gollum!”

I really don’t think people are mad enough about this: using new technology and old tricks, Democrats and Red China have stolen our 2020 presidential election. Stolen it right out from under us and installed a puppet, a satrap, China Joe Biden, who campaigned by lurking in his basement.

The Age of Manufactured Consent

They have taken away our power to grant or not to grant consent. They liked the Swamp just as it was, the used every dirty trick in the book to stop Donald Trump from draining it, and now they can do anything they please because they now have an unlimited supply of fake votes to generate a fake consent!

Do you get it? Public opinion no longer matters. Public support is no longer needed for any crackpot policy the Swamp decides to impose on us.

We really need to be much angrier about this than we seem to be.

‘In the Year 2030…’ (2016)

The History Of Moloch, The Pagan God Of Child Sacrifice

I don’t know about you, but I find this, um, satire quite a bit scarier than it was when I wrote it four years ago.

In the Year 2030…

I have to crank out a Newswithviews article, and something tells me I’d better give it my very best shot. So I’ll be here, but I’ll be busy thinking.

Be afraid of what they’re doing to us down in Washington. Be very afraid.