Yiu can Ownly EEt Socile Jutstus Iyce Creem!!

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[Editor’s Note: WordPress has torpedoed me again! If you see this post appear twice instead of once, it’s not my fault.]

We,lll our Stodent Soviet we has dunn “a” Big Thing!! We has maked a roole to get “rid of” evry Kynde of Iyce Creem axept Benin Jary’s Iyce Creem becose ownly Benin Jary’s it stants “for” Socile Jutstus and Dyvercity!!! So fromb now on on Campas yiu cant has anny kynde Of Iyce Creamb butt Benin Jary’s and “that Is” howe yiu get Dyvercity!!

Yiu see,, Benin Jary’s Iyce Crimb thay pro-motes Socile Jutstus and Enviarmintle Jutstus and Peple of Culler and Wimmin and E-quality!!! It is aslo good becose “It” is maid in Benin witch is sombware in Affricka like rihght neckst To Swizzerland!!

And So fromb now on yiu cant has “No” uther Iyce Creemb butt Benin Jary’s and in Facked we dunn sombthing Elsse two, we maked “a” roole That yiu has to eet Benin Jary’s Eyes Creemb evry Day or else “it” Is hat speatch and yiu are “a” Hater and a Racist and a Biggit and thare Isnt “no Plaice” four yiu in this hear Collidge and iff yiu Skipp a Day then yiu get Flunked Out of al yore corsets butt iff yiu Eat It evry day Like “we” tolled yiu than yiu get All A”s pluss a ottomatick deegree in Socile Jutstus Studdies!!!!! How abote That!!

We “are” Doiing this “For” Fredomb and Dyvercity and no one thay is aloud to Say any Diffrint!!!

‘University: “No Such Thing as Free Speech”‘ (2015)

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I actually went to this shabby excuse for higher education, Rutgers University. Back then (1967-71), they pretty much beat it into your head that you had to dissent–well, not from what they were selling: you had to “dissent” from what your parents, your church, and your country stood for.

Now it’s even loonier.


Yup, now there’s no free speech at all! In fairness to the past, a lot of the excellent professors that I had would be kicked out today for failure to be Politically Correct.

Trust me on this: We Americans are “educating” ourselves to death.

College Crapola du Jour

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Boy, I wish this was a satire… but it isn’t. It’s, well–real.

Colorado State University, in its social media guide for students–really? They really need the college to “guide” them in using social media?–advises students to “Avoid gendered emojis when possible” and to “use inclusive pronouns,” no “he” or “she” allowed (https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/10/colorado-state-university-avoid-gendered-emojis-to-be-more-inclusive/).


Why, “to be more inclusive,” of course! You become “more inclusive” by pretending men and women don’t exist. There’s just this featureless mish-mosh, some bubbling culture v at in which every aspect of every person’s individuality, for the sake of “diversity” and “inclusion,” is erased.

Our colleges and looniversities are putting a whole new spin on the old image of the college as being in loco parentis–with the accent on the “loco.” This is root-grubbing, wall-climbing, rug-chewing crazy.

There can be but one response to this:


Oh–and after that, defund the colleges.

Free Collidge credit Four Protest!!

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Hear it is mor prooof that No “mater” waht a wimmin she says, it “is” true!!

The boss commassar of “our” Stodent Soviet she “had” A Grate Idear last nihght and this Collidge we are goingto Do It!!!

Thare’s this ghuy named Mavvarick or somthing like that and wite supremes thay are trying to Putt him on the Supremassist Court and this grate idear “it” Is to give alll stodents **Free Ackadermic Creddit** !! four iff thay Protest Him!! And the Commassar she thawt It wood be Evin Bettter if thay gived Free Ackadermic Creddit like when-evver yiu Protest “any Thing”!!! Al yiu got To “do is”” Protest enuohgh and yiu “are” haffweiy to getting yore Deegree!!!

And this it is Brillyint, yiu get a Deegree in Any sujbect yiu whant!!! I knowe one ghuy he is in my Gender Studdies 666 class he is goingto Protest a hole lot and get “a” Deegree in Enginearing!!!! Then he can make “lots of Munny” bilding Brijjes!! It dont mater if All the Creddits yiu got thay are only from Protesting,, yiu can stil get a Deegree to be a Dockter or a Climbit scyantits or watevver!! If yiu “are a” Socile Jutstus Wirer yiu are Smart enuohgh to do Any thing Any how!!

This it is furrther Prooof that Combunism it reely whirks!!!!!!

‘Whiny Students Demand Warning Labels on Literary Classics’ (2015)

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Every now and then I wonder if the d*****bags running our colleges and universities are trying on purpose to turn their students into completely useless wastes of space. Like, for instance, when they encourage the little bozos to be afraid of what they might read in The Great Gatsby.


“Warning! This literary classic contains depictions of activities other than shaping Play-Doh with cookie cutters and babbling about how to Save The Planet. Reader discretion is advised. If triggered into trauma, contact emergency services.”

Yeah–I think they’re doing it on purpose.

Mor Monny for dyvercity!!!!

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Wow! We just hered that Kornel Unavercity thay going To “spend” Sixtie Millon Dolors to “get” more Dyvercity!! (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=11354) and that Is “a”lot of monny!!!

Us stodents hear at Our Collidge we whant to spend “even mor” Than that!! becose Dyvercity it is Impotant!! Thare “isnt” nothin mor Impotant then Dyvercity and only wen yiu “has” True and Puer Dyvercity is wen yiu Can finely “get ridd”Of al them Conserfatives and Christins so thare is No mor of Themb on Campas!!!

Some Hater and Biggit he sayed “wear did Kornel get $$60 Millin Dolors for Dyvercity??” Wel he is so stopid i Cant fined wherds for “it”!! It dont mater Wear thay “get The” monny! and it Is hat speach jist to Ask that thare stopid Quistoin!!!! So a buntch of Us we beet him “up” for not being Dyvercity enuohgh!!! Yiu has to get ridd “of” evry boddy whoo got The rong Opinoin and only then yiu has reel Dyvercity!!!!

So i dont “know” wear thay got “The” $$$Sixty Myllyon Dolors and i dont Care!!! i gess thay jist founed it,, heck somtimes I finded monny in facked jist the utther Day “i” founed a quorter in “the” Praking Lot behined Trotsky Haul! and if yiu fined lots And lots of quorters and aslo dymes and nichols it Al Ads Up to $$$$6i0 millun dolors or may be evin mor!!!!!

Some utther Biggit Hater Racist he sayed is “This waht we payin al that Tution four??” and we beet Him Up two. Some “day” theze hear Biggits thay wil lurn that Reel Dyvercity it meens thay got “to” Shut UP!!!

‘Activist Wanted’

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You’d think they already had enough of these without having to hire another one.

The economy really must be booming. Now there’s hope for a job even for hitherto unemployable college graduates.

University of California, Santa Cruz, has been advertising for an “activist-in-residence,” who’ll be paid a $4,000 stipend per academic quarter, for nine or ten hours’ work per week (https://www.campusreform.org/?ID=11353). Applicants must have experience as some kind of social justice willy–an “artist”… or (good grief) “a community change maker.” They don’t specify whether the changes you’ve made in the “community” have to be for the better or the worse.

What, exactly, the “activist-in-residence” will do has not been made clear. Annoy people? Serve as a role model for other idiots?

Meanwhile, that’s another $4,000 up in smoke.

Defund the colleges now. Before they finish rotting out our country from the inside.

‘The University: Where Young Minds Go to Die’ (2015)

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The thing that makes leftids tick is the ungovernable desire to control other people’s lives, down to the most minute and private details of those lives. It’s the only way to explain stuff like this:


Man! All the things the “pro-choice” crowd won’t let you say or do or be, and all the things they insist you must say or do or be!

Word of comfort: Kill public education and the teachers’ unions, and Far Left Crazy dies.

Words of discomfort: We may have already left it for too long.

We has Got it Now!!

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See that thare Piture?? That “is” a Carbin Mollycule and Carbin it is very very Bad!!

Wel hear at Collidge we is done somthing Abote it!! We haved a meting of the Stodent Soviet last “nihght” and we desided that Fromb Now On we are going “to” has A Carbin-Free Campas!!!!!

This it has bin thunk up “by” our Smartist Interllecturals!

Yes thare woont be no more Carbin aruond hear and thare whil be Punishmint for anny boddy Who brings anny Carbin onto The Campas!! Carbin it causses Globble Warming and Climbit Change! Evry stodent who sees a Carbin Mollycule on the sidewaulk or “on” the grass yiu has to Pick “it Up” and get ridd of it!! and we willl has Socile Jutstus Teems going alll aruond to Make “sure” yiu do!!!

This hear IT ‘IS’ THE VERY FRIST STEP TO HAS A CARBIN-FREE WHORLD!!! Only of coarse if Hillery she was pressadint like she shood be only Trumpt and the Russins thay coluted, wel we wood all reddy has a Carbin-Free “Americka”!!

We are reel exytid becose our Party Chair Wimmin she sayed probly The UN it whil quick pick “up” on this and set up Carbin-free Zoans evry ware!!!!! and we wil probbly get golden meddles or statchues of us!

So iff yiu “see” any “of” them Carbin Mollycule anny ware yiu bettar deestroy themb or else!!! Ore Socile Jutstus Teems thay meen bisniss!!!

Dont make us hert yiu!!

Yet Another College Requirement: ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ Training

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‘Diversity and inclusion training,’ the old-fashioned way

For people who pride themselves on being “pro-choice,” academic leftists excel at dreaming up things that other people must say and do, or else.

At Miami Looniversity, in Ohio, they’ve started a required (you can’t choose not to participate) program of “diversity and inclusion” and “bias training” for all new students, faculty, and staff. Its purpose, LOL, is “to combat bigotry and intolerance.”

Hypocrites. Let’s test your sincerity. If anyone can walk across your campus wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap and T-shirt, without being physically or verbally assaulted, we’ll believe you mean what you say.

Meanwhile, there will be “punishment for those who act in reactionary manners.”

“Diversity” means everybody has exactly the same opinion about everything. And gets punished if they don’t.

Why are we funding these universities with public money? Why are we paying them to turn our children into creepy little Stalinists? We are letting them damage our country with the money that we worked for! And why anyone sends his son or daughter to a public college is way beyond me.

Defund the colleges. Now. Before there’s too much harm to be repaired.