‘When It Feels So Good to be Offended’ (2016)

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She just saw a white guy eating Chinese food…

If some of these college jidrools ever had to go a day without being offended, they’d feel like they’d had no day at all.

When It Feels So Good to be Offended

Some of it’s our fault, though: we’re the sad sacks who fund those colleges. We’re paying for the students to learn how to be addle-pated, snarling, upside-down nonentities. Not just in the exorbitant tuition fees we cough up without a murmur of protest; public money, our taxes that we worked for, comes pouring into colleges and looniversities.

I was going to say we deserve a better product than they’re giving us. But do we? Do we?

‘Scientist’ Recommends Cannibalism

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Who’s going to clear off the table?

All right, all right, here’s one of those wretched nooze stories.

A Swedish “scientist” billed as a “behavioral scientist and marketing strategist” has publicly advocated cannibalism as a means of fighting Climate Change (https://www.climatedepot.com/2019/09/05/cannibalism-professor-says-eating-human-flesh-will-save-planet-from-climate-change/). He implied that “capitalists” are “too selfish” to be cannibals and “live sustainably.” He made these remarks at a food conference in Stockholm, where the Stockholm syndrome was invented.

Okay, here’s the highlight of his speech. Ready? You’ll want to learn it by heart. The quote:

“First of all, it is that the person who is to be eaten must be dead.” Give that man a Nobel Prize! Heck, the live ones yell “Ouch!” when you stick a fork in ’em, and keep trying to run away.

Can anyone deny this age is satanic?

‘Down with Father Serra!’ (2016)

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They haven’t torn down his statue yet.

When leftists want to tear down everything of ours so they can put up everything of theirs, they really do mean everything–including the past. Including our memory.

Down With Father Serra!

Father Serra, in their blind eyes, committed an unforgivable crime by teaching Native Americans to be Christians instead of pagans. Never mind that he gave them hope of forgiveness of sins and everlasting life–to say nothing of making it impossible for colonial authorities to deny that the natives were fully human. Christianity and slavery are incompatible. It may take time, but eventually Christ makes all His people free.

And all the leftids boo and hiss.

Because they want to do the opposite, and make all the people slaves.

Judge Blocks NJ’s Assisted Suicide Law

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A judge has issued a restraining order against New Jersey’s shiny new assisted suicide “law,” which went into effect this month (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/new-jersey-judge-temporarily-blocks-assisted-suicide-law-99687).

A doctor sued on the grounds that the “law” violated his religious freedom and First Amendment rights. Ya think? It only says that a doctor who won’t help a patient kill himself must refer the patient to a doctor who will. So they’re telling you what you must say, even when you believe it’s wrong. Is there a First Amendment in the house?

Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy, who enthusiastically signed the bill into “law,” said it was a hard decision for him because he’s “a lifelong, practicing Catholic.” Hey, you need to practice harder, sunshine. He and his attorney general have pledged to fight the restraining order.

After all, assisted suicide, euthanasia, abortion–these are all favorites of the Far Left death cult, most of whose members are Democrats.

After a great deal of low political chicanery in the State House, Murphy and his pals got what they wanted, and New Jersey became the seventh of eight states now permitting doctor-assisted suicide.

Until a judge let the air out of their balloon.

Hopefully the cheap tricks will be undone and the “law” overturned. Meanwhile, thank you, Judge Innes.

‘Celebrity Grievances: Melissa Perry on “Ontological Blackness”‘ (2016)

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Here she is with her tampon earrings. The words “ontological stupid-ness” spring to mind.

If for nothing else, our current era will be noted for the rise of wealthy, famous, powerful, pampered celebrity drips whining and bellyaching about how oppressed they are. Here’s one that doesn’t play football.

Celebrity Grievances: Melissa Perry on ‘Ontological Blackness’

I wonder if she sits in her limo and wails and gnashes her teeth.

Meanwhile, they’re having a special on Ontological Blackness at your nearest Totally Meaningless B.S. store.

‘Atheist Chic’ (2013)

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This was my New Year’s message for 2014. Nothing much has changed since then. Atheists still eschew good manners.

Atheist Chic

I wonder if they were always so mean-spirited as they are today. I’m not counting college students going through a phase. It’s the ones who never grow out of it who can turn any conversation into an endurance test. But, as Martin Selbrede so often says, we are put here at least to try–and that with gentleness. No one ever got harangued into the Kingdom of Heaven.

But there is rejoicing in Heaven for every one of them who comes to Christ.

My Newswithviews Column, July 4 (‘C.S. Lewis Nailed It’)

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Holy moly, it’s not Saturday–it’s Thursday! What with all those doctor visits, and then me crashing and burning yesterday with allergies, I went to bed last night feeling like it had already been Friday. Anyway, it’s time for Newswithviews.

C.S. Lewis Nailed It

If you haven’t yet read That Hideous Strength by C.S. Lewis, you ought to go ahead and read it now. You’ll be amazed by how clearly he was able to see our own problems of 2019 when he wrote the book in 1943. It’s the third book of a trilogy, but I’ve never had a problem with reading it on its own.

For liberalism, leftism, call it what you will, is a satanic project aimed at un-creating God’s creation.

That’s why they have to be defeated.

‘Deplorable People Have Too Many Babies'(2016)

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The great thing for liberalism is that its followers don’t need to procreate. They just use the schools and colleges to take over normal people’s children.

And then they complain that normal people have too many children.

Deplorable People Have Too Many Babies!

This is a dogma of the Climate Cult. The good news is that the whole Climbit change business is a lie; and even if it weren’t, how would paying higher taxes and giving vast new powers to the government control and altar natural processes on a planetary scale?

(Yeahbut, yeahbut, yeahbut–! Greenland’s gonna go ice-free by the year 3000! Great scott, what’ll I wear???)

If only deplorable people would give up all their modern “toys” and reserve those amenities to politicians and intellectuals!

This Independence Day, let’s declare our independence from the Far Left Crazy–and send them packing in the next election!

My Newswithviews Column, June 27 (‘Reparations for All’)

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She wants your paycheck

Democrats want to suck more money out of your paycheck–but only if you’re “white,” and thus responsible for every problem in the world, and deserving of no consideration whatsoever–and dole it out to their favorite voting bloc, African-Americans… minus the thick chunks of it that are bound to stick to their fingers.

Reparations For All

Well, my Newswithviews column got past whoever’s been sabotaging Chalcedon. Our website is still down this morning. Please pray for us, everybody. And feel free to wonder who’s next. They want all Christian and conservative voices shut down before the 2020 election.

Meanwhile, if there is any more outrageously unjust scheme than “reparations,” other than slavery itself, I don’t know what that could be.

Pollster Shocked: Young People Not So ‘Tolerant & Progressive’ After All

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The ginks who run the Harris Poll expressed shock and lamentation recently when they found only 45% of “young people” aged 18-34 “comfortable” with “interacting with” LGBTQ individuals–down from 53% in 2017 (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/06/24/lgbtq-acceptance-millennials-decline-glaad-survey/1503758001/?fbclid=IwAR3LBvR7GSw8_h201wewpY4Tah0WX5En7eVNebvb3jGpApZdbeta5BE4UnY).

“Young people are growing less tolerant of LGBTQ individuals,” states the USA Today headline, calling the poll results “alarming”.

Alarming to whom?

Gnashing his teeth, the Harris Poll CEO wailed, “We count on the narrative that young people are more progressive and tolerant… These numbers are very alarming and signal a looming crisis in discrimination.”

They are dumbfounded that regular people, even young ones who’ve had their brains kneaded by our schools and colleges, have limited patience for being incessantly beaten over the head with this stuff. So the “un-comfy” numbers are way up, across the boards.

Imagine that! People actually get tired of having to say they’re cool with something when they’re not. And this in Pride Month! Oh, the pain!

Yes–they work night and day to impose their weird notions of societal evolution on us, then they fall down and foam at the mouth whenever there’s resistance. There are things that the vast majority of the human race has resisted for the vast majority of human history; and this is one of them.