The Law of Foreseen Consequences

In the wake of our electoral disaster, businesses have begun to lay off some of their employees, or at least cut their hours. So far a few thousand people have lost their jobs. It’ll be tens of thousands before this month is out, and hundreds of thousands before the next inauguration.

The reason? Under the financial burdens imposed by Obamacare–which now will not be repealed–businesses can’t afford to keep all their employees. If they don’t lay people off, they’ll go under.

And, oh! Listen to the complaining! Ooh, this is awful! How can this be happening?

Well, folks, not to say “We told you so,” but… WE TOLD YOU SO! If Obamacare stands, a lot of you will lose your jobs. At the same time, your taxes will go up. It was written in neon letters half a mile high. It was bloody obvious.

Hmm… What do you suppose would’ve happened if these employers, shortly before Election Day, told their employees, “Just so you know–if this jerk gets re-elected, I’m gonna have to let a lot of you go”?

But that would have been like having to tell people, “Hey, guess what? Night will follow day!”

We have only just begun to pay for our folly.

5 comments on “The Law of Foreseen Consequences

    1. I don’t believe it, either. I believe this election was about as honest and above-board as the 1919 World Series. It’s really amazing how they can generate those 91% Democrat voter turnouts without anyone having to show up at the polling place.

  1. Please change my email address to:

    I’m phasing out my Yahoo mail.

    Thanks In Christ Cherrill Clifford

    >________________________________ > From: Lee Duigon >To: >Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 7:36 AM >Subject: [New post] The Law of Foreseen Consequences > > > >leeduigon posted: “In the wake of our electoral disaster, businesses have begun to lay off some of their employees, or at least cut their hours. So far a few thousand people have lost their jobs. It’ll be tens of thousands before this month is out, and hundreds of thousands” >

  2. I do know employers who did tell their employees that they would have
    to let them go if this happened. However, I do not believe that many people voted this disaster in, but I do believe the “election” was rigged to make this happen. I am not the only person who believes this. I know not one single person who approves this mess called an administration. Notice that Congress is totally ineffective in any investigation, opposition, or anything meaningful at all.

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