Kwazy Wabbit!

Sorry for lapsing into Elmer Fudd speech–but is this rabbit crazy, or what? Since when do rabbits chase dogs?

But I think it’s obvious they’re playing. Another example of the wonders of domestication. If we could only domesticate the humans.

Slipping, Sliding, Skidding Dogs

If dogs, with four legs, can’t cross these wooden floors without slipping and sliding, how can humans, with only two, do any better?

It’s said this question haunted Titus Moody (an otherwise fictional character) until the day he plotzed.

Not All Chess Masters Are Human

Clock ticking, cat purring… as he contemplates his next move. And speaking as a chess-player myself, I don’t like his chances. But he’s purring! He’s seeing something I can’t see! And that’s what separates the masters from the muddlers.

TV Time for Kitty

I don’t think this combination has a long or promising future: expensive hotsy-totsy flat-screen TV, and a cat who thinks the birds he sees on screen are real and ought to be caught and eaten.

Then again, some cats just don’t care.

A Dog-and-Bunny Show

Oh, LORD! You should hear the nooze my wife is listening to on her computer. I wish I couldn’t hear it. Many of these people belong in mental hospitals.

Anyway, I found something wholesome and harmless–God’s stuff, you know–and am glad I can share it with you. (Gimme that bunny!)

Dog ‘n’ Ducks

What happens in “nature” (if there is such a thing)? The dog eats the defenseless ducklings. But that isn’t going to happen here, in this video. These critters are domesticated. If only we could domesticate human beings…

Kittens Speak

What does “meow” actually mean? And there are all those variations. Kittens have a lot to say, if only we could understand.

Our rats never made a sound unless they had a fight and someone got bitten. Then they stopped.

Can’t Keep Out the Cat!

No doubt about it–a certain kind of door is just child’s play to any cat who wants to open it. They’ve got it down to a science.

I’d like to know how successful they are when confronted by an old-fashioned doorknob, the kind you have to turn. Those lever-type doorknobs pose no challenge at all.

Buffaloed By Kittens

A big, strong dog like this… and faced with four little kittens, he doesn’t know quite what to do. But you’ve got to hand it to him for gentleness. When I was a little boy, I was very afraid of my uncle’s German shepherd. It took me years to realize I didn’t have to be.

The Charge of the Guinea Pigs

Somebody has a lot of guinea pigs, don’t they? See how briskly they charge the camera. We are not told why they charge the camera. If they filmed this in Africa it’d be scary: charging lions, elephants, rhinos. Here we’ve only got guinea pigs.