Revolutionary New Idea: Majority Rights

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I know we have to be careful with this, or otherwise, as R.J. Rushdoony used to say, we wind up with a “democracy” that consists of two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner. But then we don’t have a democracy, but a republic.

We always hear a lot about Minority Rights, seemingly the supreme public value. Whatever a cherished minority wants, a cherished minority gets. Or so it seems, especially in recent years.

But what if the majority had rights, too? I see the Democrats in the audience staring at me like I’d just sprouted mammoth tusks while whistling “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.” They’ve never heard of such a thing. The whole concept of majority rights strikes them as bizarre.

But what if we could, like, have a Christmas parade even if the atheists objected? What if any one of us, for reasons of conscience, could refuse to have any part in a “gay wedding”? What if we could say anything we jolly well pleased, just like cherished minorities do, without having to fight off the thought police?

And what if freakin’ Congress stopped taking our hard-earned money and doling it out to Planned Parenthood and colleges and looniversities, to be used against us? What if our elected representatives actually started representing us?

There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth…