‘All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name’

Turn the volume way up–here’s a hymn to blow out the cobwebs… and get rid of the bad taste left by the preceding news story.

All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, an 18th-century hymn, is sung to several different melodies. This is one I haven’t posted before.

Do you see the difference? False gods demand human sacrifices. Our God sacrified Himself for us, in the person of His only begotten Son, Jesus.

False gods enslave. Jesus Christ sets free.

2 comments on “‘All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name’

  1. Amen! Thank you, Lee, for this powerful hymn

    I can’t recall (senior moment) whether or not you’ve posted this hymn, but could we hear it anyway? ‘My redeemer Lives’

    1. But of course!
      I’m in a good mood because I just played basketball. But I would’ve said yes even if I was in a bad mood.

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