Happy Birthday to Me

Image result for images of marx dinosaurs

Much as I would love to be still getting dinosaurs for my birthday, I’m afraid it just isn’t in the cards anymore.

How old am I today? Old enough to remember better things!

Today I hope to treat myself to a bike ride, a nice cigar, and some uninterrupted work on my new book, the weather finally making that possible. I look forward to a supper of spaghetti and white clam sauce, after which I mean to post a cat video. I’ll be checking in here from time to time: it would make me antsy if I didn’t.

But I may just leave politics alone today. That would be part of my present.

7 comments on “Happy Birthday to Me

  1. Happy Birthday, Lee! Enjoy your day. It sounds as though you’ve made some very nice, relaxing plans. And as for the dinosaurs, it just may be that God will have a surprise for you one day 🙂

  2. The dinosaurs you got for your birthday in the past did the trick. They inspire you to this day.

    Good plan regarding the politics.

  3. Happy happy birthday, Lee! And may God’s blessings follow you for the rest of your life.

    As for the dinosaurs, I’ve discovered that at a certain age, we cease to play with dinosaurs and become dinosaurs ourselves. (Sigh) (Grin)

  4. Happy Birthday! I know this is late but I’ve been busy with grandkids. I hope your day was blessed.

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