‘Crossword Puzzles Go Toxic’ (2012)

A Newswithviews column from back in the day–before they stopped publishing all but the simplest crossword puzzles: it seems our incredibly costly education system has produced millions of people totally unable to do an adult crossword puzzle.

See how the enemy gets into just about everything, to corrupt it…


6 comments on “‘Crossword Puzzles Go Toxic’ (2012)

  1. Great article, Lee. I’m actually surprised the editors didn’t respond to your email for one reason – to call you a hater and a bigot! They can’t even leave our crossword puzzles alone. Astonishing!

    I’ve always been a huge fan of crossword puzzles and so looked forward to the one in the Sunday newspaper, in an insert called, I think, ‘Sunday Magazine’ or ‘Parade Magazine’, depending on the era.

  2. Today, the mark of the beast seems to be showing up all over the place. Unbiblical standards are advertised in places I would once have thought immune, such as educational and entertainment materials for children. In the meantime, it becomes ever harder to function in society if you do not share these beliefs. I don’t know that this is the full meaning of the mark of the beast, but I think it is at least a part of it.

    1. I remember Scholastic Books’ hard, hard push for Phillip Pullman’s atheist rant for children, “His Dark Materials”–with the wildly enthusiastic cooperation of the teachers’ unions.

  3. Great article (5 letters for the Man of Steel)! A book of crossword puzzles with a strong Christian worldview would be a wonderful ministry for someone with the talent for it.
    Lee unquestionably has the talent to write erudite articles.

    1. I wish I could get some erudite crosswords to do–but they only publish easy puzzles anymore. Thanks, hideously expensive education system!

    2. I’ve gone almost entirely to Crostics instead of crosswords; they’re usually more of a challenge. In fact, I often find myself thinking sadly that most of our collidge graduates wouldn’t know how to answer most of the clues because they simply don’t have the cultural and historical background — or even the vocabulary.

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