My Newswithviews Column, June 6 (‘Immortality for Dummies’)

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Older than the Boston Light!

True, I’ve already discussed this, here on the blog, but it seemed worthy of a fuller treatment. Besides, it fricasees my brains to come up with a Newswithviews column every week.

Immortality For Dummies

So you’re a Big Tech billionaire, and you want to live forever. Why? Yeah, I keep asking “Why?” today, and never get an answer. Like, how rich would Jeff Bezos be, by the time he’s 375 years old? And won’t it breed, I dunno, maybe just a wee touch of resentment, if we all have to die by the 1 percent of the 1 percent get to live forever?

They haven’t thought this through, have they?

6 comments on “My Newswithviews Column, June 6 (‘Immortality for Dummies’)

  1. Funny that the word “boredom” never comes into these discussions of immortality. So you live forever … doing what? Over and over again? Only in Heaven, where endless joy is truly a joy that never ends, would immortality be bearable.

    Some medieval sermons presented Hell as the place where you get to do for all eternity the very things that got you there in the first place. This may sound like lots of fun, but first of all, anything that’s good comes from God, and Hell is the rejection of God, so “fun” or pleasure, which is a good, no longer accompanies the activity, which then becomes a chore; and second, even if there were any pleasure at the beginning, after the first 100,000 years or so, the activity would get pretty old and boring.

    Anyway, it’s hard to imagine an uploaded brain in a computer having fun. Unless the fun consisted in making life miserable for everyone — in which case, the people being made miserable would probably pull the plug.

    1. Liberals exist for the purpose of making life miserable for normal people, and they do a jolly good job of it. But it seems the idea of being able to keep doing it for another 700 years is highly attractive to them.

  2. Thing is, they never “think anything through” with any wisdom or real intelligence. It is strange to try to imagine how their brains process
    anything. Obviously, common sense does not play any part.

    1. I know, I know–how can I call anyone a doofus if he’s got a billion dollars? But they sure are talking like doofuses.

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