Where Do the Nutty Professors Come From?

It would be easy to get the impression that our colleges and universities are staffed by wackos. In fact, it would be very hard to get any other impression.

Where do they find these kooks?

A Christian friend of mine, a professor of the history of science, by some inexplicable quirk of fate some years ago, found himself on the hiring committee of a community college in his home state of Massachusetts.

“It’s simple,” he explained. “Whenever there’s a choice of whom to hire, they hire the applicant who has the biggest personal issues. So, for instance, if they have to choose between a homosexual and a homosexual who is also a drug addict, they’ll always hire the gay drug addict. I’ve seen them do it again and again.”

Heck, they’d hire a serial murderer if they could get one. Although they’d prefer a serial murderer who was also a Marxist and an alcoholic.

Needless to say, my friend was soon forced into early retirement, being ideologically unsuitable.

I wonder what kind of nut they picked to take his place.