Global ‘Pandemic Treaty’ (Do We Trust Them?)

Moving Target Defense: A Digital Shell Game

[Thanks to Susan for the nooze tip]

I think I ought to expand on this in a Newswithviews column; but for the time being, here are some dates to remember (

*December, 2021: European Council decides an “international pandemic treaty” is needed.

*March 3, 2022: Council opens negotiations for an international treaty “on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.” Preparedness, eh? Maybe they could start by not doing any more “gain of function” research.

*August 1: Meet “to discuss progress on a working draft.”

2023: Report to World Health Assembly.

2024: “Adopt the instrument.” Even if it gives forth a sour note. It would be “legally binding under international law.”

And the big question: Do we trust these people? Didn’t they cook up COVID-19 in their labs?

I wouldn’t trust them–not for a minute. And I pray that by the end of this year, the Democrat Party will be out, out, out.