Why I Don’t Do This Anymore

I was once a wizard on a pogo stick. I could hop up and down flights of narrow stairs. If my mother had ever seen me doing that–!

But then along comes a video like this one, and all thoughts of ever taking up the pogo stick again go right out the window.

It could happen to you…

Hottest Pogo Stick News!

Do you mind, out there, if I don’t do any nooze today? Really, the stories are flowing into the “I Don’t Want to Believe It!” zone.

As an alternative, I offer this boy and his pogo stick, showing off his ability to hop up and down a sidewalk and the front porch step. Kid, when I had a pogo stick, I went up and down whole flights of stairs–and if my mother could’ve seen it, she would’ve had conniptions.

I wonder if I could do that today. I could change my name to “Bustyer Kiester.” I dunno: things you did as a matter of course at 12 years old seem downright suicidal 60 years later.

But I think we should all have pogo sticks. It’d help us keep our sanity.