Crimes Against the Quality of Life

Is this the most annoying commercial ever ! - Imgflip

Supposedly the most obnoxious commercial out there, just now. I’m so glad I wouldn’t know.

Suddenly YouTube is lousy with commercials. Like freakish monsters climbing out of an untended culture vat, they’re all over the place–even plugged into the middle of videos, like old-time TV commercials. By Jove, if they ever did that to movies that people were paying $20 a pop to see–! But who says that can’t happen?

Our town has taken away the free ten minutes they used to give you on the parking meter. Now the minimum charge is a dollar. You’re in the store for five minutes to buy a cup of coffee or a yo-yo, and they want a dollar.

Suddenly we’ve got all these goniffs with their hands in our pockets, fishing for our wallets. And this is not to feed the hungry or clothe the naked. It’s to make rich corporations and swollen local governments richer. At our expense.

I got used to YouTube having no commercials–except for some that were read by the host of the video, having to pretend he was an enthusiastic patron of Acme Nose Hair Remover or what have you. I am embarrassed for them.

So what’s the next irritation going to be? What’s the next sharp pebble they stick into our shoe?

I’m sure we’ll find out soon.