Back from the Nursing Home

Patty and I went to the nursing home this morning to see my aunt.

Every day, for a long time, I prayed God not to let my aunt run out of money and have to go into a nursing home. God did not see fit to grant that prayer.

I’m glad He didn’t! In fact, I’m so glad, I could just about cry.

Today my aunt did more talking than she has for two or three years. Today she smiled at me for the first time in at least two years. She was well-groomed, looked more comfortable than she has in quite a while, and they’d put her in a portable bed and moved her out into the hall to socialize with other patients. She has made friends there who come in and chat with her several times a day.

This much stimulation has done her a world of good. And it has re-taught me a lesson that must be learned again and again:

God really does know best.