Comuneism It Realy Works!

If thares one thing i has learnt hear in collidge, being a interllectural, i has learnt that Comuneism it reely works!

Yiu want prufe? Wel hear is some prufe–Pressadint Obamma, He says it works! Thats al the prufe I need!

But thare is more prufe too. Frinstants, why yiu think al them Chess champoins they was from the Sovite Union in Russha? Yiu got to be super-Smart to be good at Chess. I plaid Chess once and it was reely hard! But the Sovites thay had one champoin after anather!Popoff, Nockoff, and Sodoff, and aslo Pratsky and Platsky and Sopavich and aslo that other guy hoose name i cant spel. Thay was all Worrld Champoins of Chess and that was becose of Comuneism, it reely works!

Now yiu ask Why, how come Comuneism it works so good? Its becose the Comuneistes thay got rid of Religin, expesialy them christins. But than wehn thay let christins come back it al went bad in Russha and that lost thare Comuneism becose of stopid religin and now it dont work anyymore.

But as our Pressadint showed and i wisht He culd be Pressadint forever Comuneism stil works grate in Cubea and thats why Cubea is so grate! And thats why Pressadint Obamma he whent thare and sayed how grate it is! Yiu onely got to take jist one loock at Cubea to see how grate it is.

And yuo wil see when we got Comuneism hear in Ammerica that it wil work jist Grate and thare wil be free Collidge Tution for evryone but them stopid christins.

6 comments on “Comuneism It Realy Works!

  1. Really works, eh? Yeah, right!
    Here is something that does work. Great is Thy Faithfulness by Gaithers,
    and Days of Elijah by Swaggart group. I don’t remember if you have already posted either of these or not. (senior moment- my memory does not always work), but I have been enjoying an hour of great worship with youtube on this Sabbath day.

    1. I’m saving some hymns up for tomorrow, Erlene, because I have to go to the doctor again first thing in the morning.

      I don’t mind posting a hymn more than once.

  2. Well, Joe Collidge, if you like Comuneism so much, I have a suggestion for you: instead of cramming it down the throats of us Christians, why don’t you go to Cubea with Obama and leave America to us?! If it works so well, why are all the people who live in those countries escaping to come here?1 Maybe they just don’t realize how well off they are. Hmmm . . .

  3. “…and Sopavich and aslo that other guy hoose name i cant spel.”

    You can’t spell anything, Joe Collidge. If you’d like proof, respond to this comment and I’ll show you some.

    1. “Comuneism… Pressadint… Sovites…”

      You should enter a spelling bee. You’d do great!

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