A Song from My Childhood

Sorry! I didn’t mean to imply that this song was contemporaneous with my childhood (and I’d like to see Joe Collidge try to spell that!)–The Glendy Burk by Stephen Foster, vintage 1851. I wasn’t around for The Ballad of Ramses II, either.

No–this was just an old steamboat song that we were taught in first grade, back when it was still unobjectionable to call boys and girls boys and girls. We didn’t go in for steamboats much, here in New Jersey, but we still knew they were part of our heritage. Kind of a romantic part, at that.

Will anybody look back on this present age as a romantic part of any heritage?

Heaven forbid.

2 comments on “A Song from My Childhood

  1. Yes, this is one of the saddest thing I know. Today’s young people will never know what real life was like.

  2. “Will anybody look back on this present age as a romantic part of any heritage?”

    That’s a great question. Maybe George Soros, maybe Joe Collidge.

    When the Day of Judgement arrives, I suspect that a lot of these characters will be knashing their teeth and won’t want to remember these days at all.

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