My Newswithviews Column, April 5 (‘We Need a Disney Princess Who’ll Go Jump in a Lake’)

Somehow even just contemplating Disney princesses makes me feel like I have to carry a lot of real heavy stuff up a long flight of stairs on a very hot day.

Does it seem to you, as it seems to me, that leftid loons are getting bolder about telling us who they really are? What makes them confident enough to do that?

6 comments on “My Newswithviews Column, April 5 (‘We Need a Disney Princess Who’ll Go Jump in a Lake’)

  1. Where does one begin? I’ll start the first five words: “we need a Disney princess”. Really? Why do we need a Disney princess of any sort? I have nothing against entertainment, but why do people need fictional characters as role models?

    Is Poirot more influential than Agatha Christie? If so, someone has missed out on a lot of reality. Fictional characters are just that; they are imaginary. Of course Poirot could solve the mystery, he AND the mystery were products of Agatha Christie’s imagination. If she wanted Poirot to sprout wings and fly, she could have made that happen as well, because he wasn’t real.

    Instead of pressuring entertainment providers to invent politically-correct fictional characters, how about some reality for once? Wouldn’t it be better if children learned values from their parents, instead of from artfully contrived fictional characters.

    Walt Disney created some great fictional characters and I grew up reading Disney-based comic books, watching Disney movies, and The Wonderful World of Color, albeit on a cheap, flickering black & white TV. But since those days, fictional characters have been turned into tools of political and cultural influence.

    The values of the fictional characters of my childhood were simple and painted in broad strokes. Characters tended to be polite unless they were obviously antagonists. If Donald Duck got too full of himself, he suffered and embarrassing failure and learned his lesson, at least until his next adventure. Most characters were good-hearted, even innocent. Even the bad guys were not all bad, just blind to their own folly.

    About the time that I was leaving behind cartoons and comic books, someone had the great idea to use TV entertainment as a serious educational tool. Nothing wrong with that, as long as the content is not carrying an agenda. But some of it indeed did carry an agenda and in our days it would seem that the agenda carries the characters.

    Ultimately, in my humble opinion, I agree 100%; Disney Princesses can go jump in a lake. Our children need their parents’ direct input and not to be raised by LED flat-screen electronic babysitters.

  2. I loved the title of your article; it cracked me up! “We Need a Disney Princess Who’ll Go Jump in a Lake,” indeed, forsooth!

    Anyway, I thought the feminist take on all of this used to be that encouraging girls to want to be princesses was sexist — and also classist, if you really wanted to be a with-it feminist.

    As for royalty belonging to unions, I suppose they’d want to organize in order to demand more taxes from their subjects. Wait … isn’t that what the government workers’ unions are already doing?

  3. Planned Parenthood, talk about an euphemism. It should be called Unplanning to be Parents. In Russia, 70% of the women have had abortions, and the majority of them have had multiple abortions. That is the Left’s vision for America, and at taxpayers expense.

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